Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Yes, he's back!

Posted this earlier to the Facebook page...but more now.

This was, quite possibly one of the "coolest" announcements of a sequel starting production. As a special guests visits Conan.

What do you think? Could it be as good as we want it to be?

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Screening tonight -- Wrath of the Titans

Who's seeing Wrath of the Titans tonight??? This guy...

Find out if that's a good or a bad thing on Friday -- but here's a look at the trailer.

What do you think?


Home Screening Room

On Blu-Ray and DVD 3/27/12
It’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close to be Chipwrecked

This Week’s Big Releases

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked – Rated G 
(Jason Lee, Voice of Justin Long)
Ok, the commercials have hooked my daughter – but I never was offered the ability to see this film. A trusted friend was not very happy with it, but you may be if the Chipmunks are your thing.

A Dangerous Method – Rated R  
(Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, Keira Knightley)
Freud, Jung, Sex, Psychaitry and more…this is actually a quite good film with a great performance by the always crafty Viggo Mortensen. Not for everyone though, so proceed with your own best interest in mind.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close – Rated PG-13 
(Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Thomas Horn)
Keep a box of Kleenex nearby, this made my Top 25 last year at number 8. Stepehn Daldry delivers a film that will grab your heart and yank it out of your chest at times. The Thomas Horn character has turned many off but I thought it was exactly as he was to be portrayed.

Also New This Week….

Combat Hospital: The Complete First Season
The ABC show is now on DVD – caught only an episode or two but really was intense.

Lion of Judah – Rated PG 
(Voice of Michael Madsen, Voice of Ernest Borgnine)
Animated film for the children of a classic story they younger set will, I’m sure, enjoy it.

South Park – The Complete Fifteenth Season

Teen Mom: Season 3

And Finally…

Bending the Rules – Rated PG-13 
(Adam “EDGE” Coeland, Jamie Kennedy)
Ok…this includes WWE Superstar Edge? Hey if Triple H can be a Chaperone and John Cena can go 12 Rounds…I’m sure Edge can do it. Man, I’ve got to see this…really I do!

Here’s the Trailer – Take A Look

DVD/Blu-Ray Tidbit of the Week
Ok, I’m excited – the classic (AND I DO MEAN CLASSIC) summer camp movie – Meatballs with Bill Murray comes to Blu-ray on June 12.

Pick of the Week
The Best release of the week is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close…but…I have a feeling my 7 ½ year old would say Chipwrecked…but she IS 7 ½.

Pop some Popcorn, Do The Diet Dew and Bust out the Blu but most of all remember….
Save Me A Seat!

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn Part 2 Teaser

It was on the front of The Hunger Games this weekend so millions have already seen it, but now it's online -- and I've got your look here at the new The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn Part 2 trailer.

What do you think?

Where are your expectations for this film?

Let me know!


Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Review - The Hunger Games

Hunger – Satisfied

In the future, districts have risen up to try and take down the government. The Capitol has prevailed and in an attempt to quell future uprisings they have deemed the yearly Hunger Games to take place as a reminder of who is in control. The games will feature a boy and a girl from each of the 12 Districts. The game is a battle to the death until only one remains.

Oh, did I mention that all the combatants are 12-18 years old and the battle will be televeised for all to see? I didn’t think I did…

The Hunger Games Satisfies
March 23, 2012
Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) does the unthinkable, she volunteers to head to the games. She jumps to the front and volunteers to go to the games in place of her sister Prim who was the original selection for her district. She has worked hard to protect her sister and she is not stopping at this point. Her cohort for the games is the mysterious Peeta (Josh Hutcherson). We know there is some history between Katniss and Peeta as flashbacks tell us, but what is it?

Together they travel to the Capitol to meet their mentor Haymitch (Woody Harrelson). It is during this mentoring process that the brutality of the games surfaces. It’s a game show set up similar to any reality show you can think of, only in this game show, kids don’t get kicked off, they die.

The twisted show is run by the President (Donald Sutherland) and his game master (Wes Bentley). Together they will work with televised host Caesar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci) to create a program that entertains Capitol residents and betting folks while at the same time puts the districts in their place. What alliances will form? Who will leave alive? Who will survive…The Hunger Games?

The book is a huge best seller, so it was only natural for it to come to the big screen. Now the question is can they pull it off? The answer is a resounding YES in my mind.

I’ve seen many try to compare The Hunger Games with Twilight based simply on book sales to a demographic, but I’m here to say DON’T DO THAT. These are totally different stories and delivered very differently on the big screen. The Hunger Games is about surviving -- surviving the situation that you are put into no matter the reason and changing the game that is presented to you.

Many worried about Jennifer Lawrence in her role. I’m here to tell you she delivers the passion, the excitement, the fearlessness, and the tenacity of Katniss with ease. She knows how to show her vulnerability when dealing with one of the youngest competitors and how to show the fierce survival instincts when dealing with the attacks on her by multiple competitors, all while maintaining her integrity and moral standing.

Josh Hutcherson is a chameleon of a character. One second you love him, the next you hate him. One second you fear for him, and the next you fear HIM. All delivered in a perfect pitch performance from a budding young superstar.

The story, delivered in a long 2 hours 20 minutes an emotional rollercoaster. You felt as if it could have been you standing in Katniss’ shoes. Although it was a touch on the long side, The Hunger Games felt gritty and authentic, horrific and hopeful. I might argue that the PG-13 rating seems really generous given the authentic feel, but there is no doubt the film still satisfied the hunger within me for a solid film.

Lionsgate Pictures

Director: Gary Ross
Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Stanley Tucci, Wes Bentley, Elizabeth Banks, Donald Sutherland

Rating: PG-13 for intense violent thematic material and disturbing images – all involving teens.
Runtime: 2 hours 22 minutes

Review - October Baby

Survival, Forgiveness and Faith

Abortion, it’s a topic that may turn some of you from this review at the very sight of the word. Hollywood hasn’t dealt with the aftermath of surviving an abortion in the way that October Babydoes and that doesn’t surprise.

October Baby - In Theaters 3/23/12
Hannah (Rachel Hendrix) is making her big starring debut at college when she passes out in front of a stunned audience. Tests after tests leaves the doctors stumped, until it’s all tied together with her father’s reveling of some journal entries. Hannah doesn’t understand a lot about her past. Her mom and dad never told her she was severely premature (at 24 weeks), was adopted, and was still alive after a botched abortion by her birth mother.

One of those topics would be a lot for anyone to take, but all three is devastating. Now Hannah wants to know, why was she not wanted? What did her birth mother have against her? And what was her past?

The journey is just beginning for this brave college student, but is she ready for the answers that the questions might deliver?

A movie rooted in faith, never felt preachy. Where a film like the popular “Courageous” leaned on its faith components at every turn, October Baby lets the characters find their own way. Sometimes that path takes them on a physical journey, while other moments require spiritual guidance.

Rachel Hendrix is needed to make this film work and she shines as the conflicted Hannah that is caught in the middle. The only parents she has known love her, but kept this crucial information from her. She displays the hurt and confusion in a real and understandable way.

Jason Burkey is the boy who has always looked out for Hannah. He is helping her to cope with the knowledge that she has just been exposed to and being a friend to her in this time of need. The problem with this character is there is not enough background to determine why he is behaving this way. I felt his character was underwritten and unexplained.

At times, the film feels more like a Lifetime Movie than a feature film, but it delivers a solid message regardless of that feel. Despite your troubles, despite your situation, you are special and can accomplish anything. It exposes the fact that parents need to be more forthright with their kids and that all decisions have consequences.

Hendrix shows us the survivor that needs to forgive to grow her character’s faith. God has forgiven us, can we also forgive?

B- / C+

Provident Films / Samuel Goldwyn Films

Director: Andrew Erwin, Jon Erwin
Cast: Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey, John Schneider

Rating: PG-13 for mature thematic material.
Runtime: 1 hour 47 minutes

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Home Screening Room - Hop on over to see The Muppets who meet The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

This Week’s Big Releases
Carnage – Rated R (Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster)
A short movie that takes place almost exclusively with 4 great actors in a small apartment discussing punishment for their kids who got in a fight. Good, solid, but not for everyone.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – Rated R (Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara)
My SECOND favorite film of the year last year and a INCREDIBLE performance by Rooney Mara. This is a film that is hard to watch at times and you will get sick watching things in this movie. But it delivers a powerful performance from Mara as a truly gutsy young woman who stands on her own. I was riveted throughout and director David Fincher delivers a film that can sicken you one moment and use one of the same characters to arouse you the next.
Hop – Rated PG (Russell Brand, James Marsden)
© Disney. All Rights Reserved.
Sure they waited to bring this out until this Easter (makes sense right?) EB voiced by Russell Brand is home just in time for this year’s Easter baskets!
The Muppets – Rated PG (Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper)
I don’t know if you will have more fun with a Blu-ray or DVD this year. The Muppets will have you smiling, tapping your toes, dancing and giggling away. And this one comes in a real cool Wocka-Wocka pack as well that includes the soundtrack you won’t want to turn off. I’m a Muppet of a Man and proud of it!
The Sitter – Rated R (Jonah Hill)
Jonah Hill as a babysitter? R-rated and not ashamed of it.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy – Rated R (Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Colin Firth)
Award-nominated in many ways, this really surprises for those who have yet to see it. It takes a patient individual to get into it, but once you do you’ll be hooked.
Also new this week…
Jane By Design: Volume 1– Not Rated
This ABC Family seires comes home in the first volume featuring the always-talented Andie MacDowell (Yes, I’ll admit I’ve always had a little crush there.) More on this later this week on the blog.
Kojak: Season 3 – Not Rated
Boys and girls…it’s Telly Savalas – really (need I say anything else?) Oh…for those of you who are too young to know Telly (bald head – lollipops constantly – and really cool).
A Lonely Place to Die – Not Rated – (Melissa George, Ed Speleers)  
Climbers that get involved in a rescue find themselves instead intertwined with a kidnapping plot and have to fight to survive.

Roadie – Rated  R – (Ron Eldard, Bobby Cannavale) 
An ex-Roadie for Blue Oyster Cult comes home after he is let go. Wait…Blue Oyster Cult?
Scarecrow and Mrs. King: The Complete Third Season – Not Rated – (Kate Jackson, Bruce Boxleitner) 
My mom will love me for including this here – Kate post Angels takes on world!
WWE Elimination Chamber 2012 – Not Rated
And Finally
Louder Than a Bomb – Not Rated  
Everyone knows, that has read or listened to me over the years, that I love documentaries. I had this one on my list of those to see at the Milwaukee Film Festival last year and I missed it due to a schedule conflict. Now it’s available on DVD for all to see. The story of Chicago high school poetry teams preparing to compete in poetry slam and their journey.
Check out the trailer below.

DVD/BluRay Tidbit of the Week
Just announced – The Grey will come to Blu-ray Combo and DVD on May 22.
Pick(s) of the Week
You MUST pick up The Muppets! MUST MUST MUST!  
Hop is nice as well.
If you want great film making, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is one of the best.
Pop Popcorn, Do the Dew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

This Week

I'm Hungry for a good Game.

And if you didn't see it, 21 Jump Street had an incredible opening -- doesn't hurt that it is ACTUALLY funny. p

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Review - 21 Jump Street

You CAN Go Back To School

In the late 80’s, 21 Jump Street became a staple on the fledgling FOX Network. It appealed to a youthful audience with its cast that included Johnny Depp, Peter Deluise,
Richard Grieco, Dustin Nguyen and the then Holly Robinson among others. It dealt with serious issues that confronted our teens in serious ways. A task force of youthful faces became high school students to deal with all the problems the that police could. Now fast forward and we are doing it again – this time the “fresh, young” faces are Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. And this time – it’s a serious topic…dealt with in humorous tones.
In Theaters 3/16/12

Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko(Channing Tatum) have know each other since high school. At that time, Jenko was the hip and cool jock while Schmidt just went through the days trying not to get a swirly. They never would have hung together in high school, but in the police academy they realize that as a team they have all that is needed to become a cop.

When their first assignment blows up in their face, they are sent to a program that is being dusted off to get to the bottom of the crime in their schools. They are sent to Jump Street.

Captain Dickson (Ice Cube) gets at the crew right away, letting them now who is in charge and who they’ll be taking orders from all while delivering the message in a, louder than normal tone. It’s back to Sagan High for the two new friends.

Back at school, Jenko realizes the new code around the place makes Schmidt cool and he’s on the outside. It’s a new role that will add to the fun. Their mission – find the suppliers of a new synthetic drug that is taking the school by storm. Can they do it? Will they fit in? Just how will these “new” students fit back in to high school?

I admit, I was skeptical going into this film. I was at that perfect age when the tv show graced the air waves and fondly look back at the show. After seeing the film, I think they did a wonderful job of saving the heart of the show all while making me laugh out loud.

Tatum and Hill prove to be perfectly matched in this story and know how to elicit laughs a plenty from the crowd. High school proves to be fertile ground for irreverence on every topic from teen dating, to the “new” high school student, to the traditional old standbys. And they are careful to indicate some real important lines that can’t be crossed.

Ice Cube shines as the Captain in a role that has him yelling and boiling things down as simple as he can make it for the youthful squad.

Where this film goes right is when they make it an R rated film. There is no scaling back on the adult humor here that usually is prevelant in this type of youth focused movie. It harkens back to a day when we made the movie, without worrying about what it was rated and let the chips fall where they may.

I loved my journey back to high school. I loved Tatum and Hill. I love to laugh. And I loved 21 Jump Street.

PS – At least 3 of the former Jump Street cast show up in the film.
PPS – Did I tell you I laughed, out loud?
PPPS – Can’t wait until the extended scenes that show on BluRay – I know they must be there.
PPPPS – Did you know when I was in school – we always used a lot of PS’s because we could never finish our notes?


Columbia Pictures - MGM

Director: Phil Lord, Chris Miller
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Brie Larson, Dave Franco, Rob Riggle, Ice Cube

Rating: R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, drug material, teen drinking and some violence.
Runtime: 1 hour 49 minutes

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Home Screening Room - The Descendants meet Tin Tin as a Young Adult

What a great week on DVD/BluRay -- Some of 2011's best come home for you to add.

This Week’s Big Releases 

The Adventures of Tin Tin – Rated PG (Jamie Bell, Daniel Craig) 
What fun! This animated film from director Steven Spielberg brings the classic Belgian character to America. A good time adventure film for the whole family. Watch My daughter and I talk about the film in our video review that was posted when it came to theaters – below!

The Descendants – Rated R (George Clooney, Shailene Woodley) 

My favorite film of 2012 – It tells the story of a man struggling to hold it all together. His wife is in a coma, he finds out she cheated on him, his daughter is a wild child…oh and by the way, he’s trying to put together the biggest land deal in the history of the Hawaiian Islands. Clooney is spot on and deserved to win best actor for his role here – while Woodley delivers a breakout performance that won her a Spirit Award (and should’ve been recognized more).

Happy Feet Two – Rated PG (Elijah Wood, P!nk) 
The second one, more like the first. Less heavy handed than the first; with singer P!nk in one of the lead roles, you can imagine this will have you tapping your toes. 

My Week With Marilyn – Rated R (Michelle Williams, Kenneth Branagh) 
One of the best performances of 2011 – Michelle Williams becomes Marilyn Monroe. This story of an infamous period while she shot with the Sir Laurence Olivier is less Olivier and more of Marilyn and the bond she forms with an associate on the set. 

Melancholia – Rated R (Kirsten Dunst, Alexander Skarsgard) 
It’s a Lars von Trier film, and it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. 

The Three Musketeers– Rated PG-13 (Logan Lerman, Luke Evans) 
Another movie about the famous trio. 

Young Adult – Rated R (Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt)

I loved this little movie about a woman who struggles to move forward after her high school boyfriend sends her an announcement about his newborn child. She comes home with one thing in mind; she believes he wants her back! Oh the spiral that ensues. 

Also new this week… 

Dirty Driving: The Thundercars of Indiana – Rated NR
Cool documentary about short track racing in a town hit hard by the recession – and a guy who doesn’t have a trophy – but won’t quit on his quest (even if the other competitors want to kill him). 

Bag It – Rated NR
Documentary focusing on our overabundance of plastic bags. This is one of those that while it preaches it’s world view to you – it does it with such humor and fun that even the least interested in the environment can’t help but enjoy themselves (and learn something).

Stuck Between Stations – Rated R – (Sam Rosen, Zoe Lister-Jones) 
When a soldier is home on leave her runs into an old friend and has a great night on the town that will always be remembered despite the fact that he is soon to return to the military.

And Finally 

Loosies – Rated PG-13 (Peter Facinelli, Jamie Alexander) 
A pickpocket, the law and a girl – sounds good to me. This trailer makes the IFC films release look to be a very interesting story…but will it be? Watch the trailer and judge for yourself if this will be playing in YOUR Home Screening Room.

Check out the trailer below.

Pick of the Week 

You can’t go wrong adding my favorite film of 2011 to your home collection – The Descendants is a MUST – also like Young Adult, The Adventures of Tin Tin and most everything this week. 

Thanks! Pop Popcorn, Do the Dew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!

Thank You

Thank you -- 

Sometimes that's all I can say!

Just looked at the numbers and the Page Views in Jan/Feb combined were the second highest two month period here on the blog since I've tracked that stat and for that I say thank you!

I'll keep trying to provide new and fun stuff here as often as possible including more Trailers, Images and the popular Home Screening Room -- plus links to TV and Radio appearances where I have them and reviews along with fun stuff -- and MAY features a very special anniversary along with some fun prizes!

Thanks again!

Plus like us on 

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and on 

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Each site has ADDITIONAL content to what I post here.

Again Thank YOU! I couldn't do it without you. I'm humbled and honored by you stopping by.


Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

The Lone Ranger Image

Ok everyone...

What do we think about this first image from The Lone Ranger?

Ph: Peter Mountain ©2012 Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer, Inc.

From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski comes Disney/Bruckheimer Films' "The Lone Ranger." Tonto (Johnny Depp), a spirit warrior on a personal quest, joins forces in a fight for justice with John Reid (Armie Hammer), a lawman who has become a masked avenger.

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Home Screening Room -- Cut Footloose, Like Crazy just like Jack and Jill

Sorry for the delay in posting -- been a bit under the weather here the last day and a half and hadn't already set this to post.

This Week’s Big Releases
Footloose – Rated PG-13  (Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough)
Sure you’ve seen the classic with Kevin Bacon – or if you haven’t get back and see it. Here we get an updated look at the film that really made us want to dance. Most of the songs carry the same lyrics with a new arrangement. The storyline is almost identical with some minor updates. And the bottom line is, it was a lot more fun than I had imagined it would be.

Immortals – Rated R (Kellan Lutz, Mickey Rourke)
A king, a weapon, lots of fighting – do I need to say more? Wasn’t offered for theatrical review but looks to be the perfect rental.


Jack And Jill – Rated PG (Adam Sandler, Katie Holmes)
I like Adam Sandler – there I said it. I think he is usually funny in his own sort of way. Unfortunately in this film, where he plays a man AND his sister, he is not funny and the movie doesn’t work. I would, of course, watch it on Blu just to see what extras they’ve given us (hopefully more Dunkachino) and it could be one of the rare films where the deleted scenes are better than what was left in…or at least I can hope.

Like Crazy – Rated PG-13 (Anton Yelchin, Felicity Jones)
Two characters I just didn’t like in this one. They wanted to be the next 500 Days of Summer or something along that lines and instead it was just…well….there. One silly move cost them everything, so I could NEVER feel emotional about the characters.
Senna – Rated PG-13 (Ayrton Senna)
One of the best documentaries I saw in 2011. Didn’t screen during theatrical, but I caught up with it at the end of the year. Heartbreaking and emotionally charged this sports doc hits the nail on the head throughout. You don’t have to be a fan of Formula 1 racing to enjoy this, but if you are it will be that much better.

The Skin I Live In – Rated R (Antonio Banderas)
Pedro Almodovar’s new film starring Antonio Banderas as a plastic surgeon who has seen more than his share of situations. But his next creation is a skin that withstands all damage.

Also new this week…
Columbus Circle – Rated PG-13 (Selma Blair, Giovanni Ribisi)
Game of Thrones – The Complete First Season
The Lion King 1 ½ - Rated G (Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick) – on Blu Ray combo pack, get the third installment of the classic Disney franchise.
The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride – Rated G (Matthew Broderick, Neve Campbell) – Simba and Nala’s daughter comes front and center in this tale that has her wandering off into forbidden lands.
Mercenaries– Rated R (Robert Fucilla, Billy Zane)
New York Giants: Super Bowl XLVI Champions – As a GB Packers fan, it pains me to post this one.
Recoil – Rated R (Steve Austin, Danny Trejo) - It's a Steve Austin movie -- I have to post the trailer.

Wyatt Earp’s Revenge – Rated PG-13 (Shawn Roberts, Trace Adkins)
And Finally
Tooth Fairy 2 – Rated PG (Larry the Cable Guy)
Hmmm…Ok so we go from The Rock and Julie Andrews to Larry the Cable Guy. Ummm…here’s the trailer – you decide. You know I’ll watch it – so when I do, you’ll know.

Pick of the Week
Sennais the best movie released this week. But for repeated watching Footloose will do well. And for the bad movie collection – Jack and Jill is a winner.
Pop Popcorn, Do the Dew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Real Milwaukee - The Lorax and Project X

Here's today's appearance on Real Milwaukee - We talked The Lorax, Project X and new DVD's including Tower Heist, Puss in Boots and Hugo.

I called The Lorax a bit "heavy handed" in its message (in the movie)...And that led to a nice response from an anonymous commenter that I was a buffoon (oh and also balding) -- nothing like a personal attack at me if you don't like what I say!

Let me know what you think -- full written reviews go live later today after an appearance with Carol @ KMOX in St. Louis -- but until then know The Lorax was good (Betty White was really cool) but should have been great if not for the heavy handed approach about 2/3's of the way in. And Project X tries real hard -- but man, it's just not as funny as Superbad or American Pie or even Animal House. No direction on this one...just scene after scene of debauchery (not that there's anything wrong with that...normally).