Jumat, 30 September 2011

Milwaukee Film Festival - Day 6 (Wish Me Away, The Redemption of General Butt Naked)

Ahh…Day 6 of MY FILM FESTIVAL – That’s the Milwaukee Film Festival to the rest of you.

Today, feeling good but wondering aloud how many documentaries I can take. MORE, MORE!!!!

So it’s off to the Ridge without seeing my wife and daughter to take in two films that are really different….Wish Me Away and The Redemption of General Butt Naked.


First up on this evening -- the documentary Wish Me Away about country singer Chely Wright and her journey to come out as a gay country singer. Lucky for those of us in attendance, we’d also get a Q and A period after the show with co-directors Bobbie Birleffi and Beverly Kopf. But on to the film now.

Country music is traditionally the home for many god fearing, proud American military backing fans. Chely Wright is no different than those fans at all. But Chely has a secret that she has been hiding. She is gay.

Wish Me Away concerns itself with the days leading up to Chely’s announcement that will rock the country music world.  No one is out and performing in front of this audience. Traditionally country music fans have been a more conservative lot than in other music segments, and the future in a post announcement word is truly uncertain.

The documentary follows the fact that Chely prayed to have this taken away from her when she was young. She avoided it as she plowed herself into her career. And then she promised herself she would come clean after a hit, then after a top 10 hit, then after a number one; but she just couldn’t do it.

The journey has all led to this point. And while some may question whether this is a publicity stunt, others know that in this genre of music it will hurt more than it will help on a professional level.

Filmmakers Bobbie and Beverly give you those intimate videos with Chely wondering if she can go through with it. They give you some of Chely’s family and how they handled the announcement. And you’ll get a look at … at least one of the members of the country music community having comments.

The country music community hasn’t embraced Chely, the gay community has embraced Chely somewhat – they endorse her person, even if they don’t quite get the musical format.

What does the future hold for Chely? Only time will tell. Personally she seems like a happier person, but professionally she’s still trying to find her new niche.

From a personal note…she is still Chely. Gay, straight, white, black or whatever that doesn’t change her talent. She was always gay; people just didn’t know it! If you are a fan of her music, why should it matter? Everyone deserves to be loved.

Remaining screenings for the festival – Thursday, 9/29 9:30PM at North Shore and Saturday, 10/1 at 9:45PM at the Oriental.


Funny, true story – as Wish Me Away was letting out…some of the crowd was talking about how FAR out in the sticks New Berlin (where the theater is) was.  As a resident of the fair city…I just say…really?

Anyway, I digress – On to the next film….The Redemption of General Butt Naked.

Yes – I giggled when I saw the title too.

Two TOTALLY different films, back to back, Butt Naked is NOT a comedy.

It’s the story of a General who was in charge of a group that fought, butt naked. Now years after the civil unrest in Liberia, Butt Naked has become a Christian and is trying to make amends to many of those whose lives he ruined.

We follow the newly known “Joshua” as he goes preaching the gospel to many of his victims. The uncomfortable moments where he recounts having a role in 20,000 deaths in the country are mind boggling.

Not everyone buys the new Joshua; he’s still the mass murderer to some of the crowd. And folks want justice against him, to the point where he exiles himself from family to keep preaching.

While stories of redemption are nothing new – here it is hard to feel sympathy for a man with such a brutal past. While as a Christian, I am happy he has found God and the love he promises, I still can’t get by the past. Forgiveness is important in the Christian religion. But there is never a place where it says that also has to mean no punishment for your actions. Startling and graphic at times, The Redemption of General Butt Naked will leave you conflicted no matter what your beliefs are.

No more showings during the festival.

And the night was over – headed home late but satisfied with two more solid docs at the Milwaukee Film Festival. (Thank goodness home is only 3-5 mins away!)

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