Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Thoughts on a Tragedy

As someone that is excited about The Dark Knight Rises as a film, it's tough to see the tragedy that unfolded in Colorado.

First and foremost, my heart goes out to everyone in Aurora, CO. I have many friends that I have developed throughout the years in the Denver area.

It saddened me to see the brutal and senseless attack of moviegoers as they were simply settling in to see the film that many were anticipating for years.

Now in the aftermath, after reflecting on the situation, I'm just angry.

I'll admit, I was a junkie for coverage. I listened to the KUSA feed out of Denver for most of the morning. I watched the twitter notes come through from film critics that I generally enjoy. Waiting every minute to see the nuggets of information and hoping that it was just a mirage. Still knowing, that any result was going to be worse than one could imagine.

This was an attack on friends. People who loved the movies were targeted by a crazed killer. (I don't want to mention his name in this piece as he doesn't deserve that notoriety that he searches to attain.)

This was an attack on young people who have come to enjoy the Batman series. This was an attack on fans of movies.

While the thoughts should be focused on the individuals that lost their lives, were injured, or had to run to survive the media (mainstream and bloggers alike) went the place where they put the focus on themselves, their agendas, and their political motivations.

Immediately after the violence a mainstream outlets started claiming the suspect had ties to the Tea Party. Then another web based outlet said he was a registered Democrat. Both outlets tried to push their agendas. Even after any later retraction...it's evident what they wanted to be true. And does it really matter? The Tea Party doesn't advocate what happened and Democrats as well as Republicans are equally horrified at the results.

Then bloggers I read on a regular basis tweeted thing craziness about the need for gun control, without knowing all the facts. The Mayor of New York half a country away started releasing details on a case that confused instead of helped heal. Everyone wanted to blame everything and everyone except for the man who pulled the trigger on that night.

Their was a blogger who even claimed a film that was made about gangsters that happened to have a trailer on the front of The Dark Knight Rises should NEVER HAVE BEEN MADE because it had a scene where gangsters shot up a movie crowd. I guess that crystal ball was broken that she expected the studio to make.

Sure the next time I have a screening and the lights go down, I'll think twice. I'll remember those who did nothing but buy a ticket for a movie they wanted to see and instead found their lives cut short.

I could go on, but I've struggled with this for the weekend. What to say, when to say, and where to go from  here.

There will be a time for some discussion on other issues and there are issues that should be discussed. For now though, the only one to be blamed should be the shooter. And everyone else will need our love and support. May God be with the families of those that lost someone.


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