Senin, 30 September 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 5 Preview

Ok...time to start a new week Let's take a peek at some of the highlights from today.

Film I've seen that you should too...

The story of Maidentrip focuses on Laura Dekker, the then 14-year-old from Holland that wanted to become the youngest person to sail solo around the world. She fought a legal battle and then set out on the global trip. The film has amazing footage that Laura, herself, shot while at sea that at one moment shows her as a typical teenager and the next an experience sea traveler. I really became invested in the film and while I may have started the film thinking everyone around her was crazy for letting her go, it also shows you that not every teenager is the same. We could use more Laura Dekker's in the world. (Can you tell I REALLY liked this film and took the emotional ride with Laura?)

Maidentrip - Showings
9/30 (3:00PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/6 (1:00PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/9 (12:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Film I really want to see....but unfortunately can't (tonight)

Which Way is the Front Line From Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington is something I've been waiting for since the day I heard about it. Restrepo was one of my favorite documentaries from 2010 -- it even made my overall top 10 list that year. Tim was one of the co-directors of the film along with Sebastian Junger. As a photojournalist and filmmaker Tim did things that no one else wanted to do. He went places no one else wanted to film. And if you ever thought the mortar fire around him in his very shots that he shot back was less than real -- the fact that this film was made will teach you differently. I can't wait to see this -- jump on it if you can.

Which Way is the Front Line From Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington

9/30 (7:00PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/1 (4:45PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/7 (12:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

 Why can't I go tonight? Gravity screening...sorry...

There are SO MANY good films screening at the 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival that you really need a road map to find your way -- hit up for all the details.

Minggu, 29 September 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 4 Preview

The rain came to Brew City last night. And with it an exciting crop of movies for those checking out the Milwaukee Film Festival for day 4.

The featured time slot at the Oriental Theatre has Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me with the subject slated to be in the house. Stritch is most recently remember as Alec Baldwin's mother in "30 Rock" but has so much more to her storied Broadway career. (7PM - Oriental Theatre - Only showing during the Festival)

Wisconsin Politics

Sure the documentary Citizen Koch has a lot about Wisconsin politics in it. The Scott Walker recall election takes about a good portion of the film with the groundbreaking Citizens United verdict laying the framework for the film as a whole. I think Conservatives and Liberals can take a little piece of knowledge from the well made film, although it definitely has a liberal tone (not like that is a surprise for anyone). That said, the Downer Theatre will be full for today's showing.

Citizen Koch - Showings
9/29 (4:45PM) - Downer Theatre
10/1 (4:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Worlds Apart

God Loves Uganda focuses on a region that we only remember in turmoil. Now as they try to find themselves many Christian missionaries are coming to this country and not all of them have innocent intentions. They are teaching beyond the bible and are instead delivering a message that wouldn't be tolerated in America. Although many go with good intentions, others proceed to preach a message that will shock when it comes to the treatment of fellow human beings.

God Loves Uganda - Showings
9/29 (2:30PM) - Downer Theatre
10/2 (2:30PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/3 (2:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Those are just a couple of today's Highlights -- make your own schedule and make the festival your own at

PS - The Packers have a bye this you won't miss anything.

Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 3 Preview

Ahh the first Saturday of the fest and the first really special presentation comes to the fest.

First up there is the State of Cinema: The Dissolve -- featuring the extremely talented staff of the the website that became the film offshoot of Pitchfork media's popular music site.

Keith Phipps, Scott Tobias, Tasha Robinson and Nathan Rabin are scheduled to have a FREE talk on the state of Cinema at Collectivo Coffee at 1PM and then later, they will present Blow Out at 4PM at the Oriental Theatre.

Also today -- Don't miss George Tillman Jr. returning to the place he was born and raised for two very special films.

The Tribute to Tillman Jr. kicks off at NOON over at the Downer Theatre with a screening of his 2009 film Notorious that chronicles The Notorious B.I.G. and his life. The real treat of this visit from Tillman Jr. is the screening of his new film The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete at the Oriental Theatre at 7:30PM the new film features Anthony Mackie, Jordin Sparks, Jennifer Hudson, Jeffrey Wright but most importantly Skylan Brooks and Ethan Dixon (as Mister and Pete). This one is not to be missed during the festival and it is the only showing.

But of course...I've got a couple other suggestions for you...some that I have seen already.

Pandora's Promise is a film that will challenge both sides of the environmental debate over what is the best clean energy source for future sustainability - this will leave everyone, no matter their view, challenged and talking.


Saturday 9/29 - 1PM at the Oriental Theatre
Tuesday 10/1 - 4:45PM at the Fox-Bay Cinema
Thursday 10/3 - 2:30PM at the Fox-Bay Cinema

The Institute is a crazy film, but I found myself enamored by it as it rolled. The first 30 minutes I wondered really what was going on and what was I watching. And by the wonder if everyone, regardless of who they are, could use a little of The Institute in their lives. Crazy - yes, but in a good way!


Saturday 9/29 - 6:30PM at the Oriental Theatre
Tuesday 10/1 - 5PM at the Downer Theatre
Thursday 10/3 - 9:45PM at the Fox-Bay Cinema

Enjoy Day 3 at the festival (the first Saturday) -- and just think...things are JUST getting started!

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 2 Preview

The opening night party is done...time to move on to the films of Day 1.

Where are people going?

Favorite Film I've Seen Showing Today -  If You Build It 

If You Build It is the story of two young teachers, Emily and Matt, that are brought to tiny Bertie County in North Carolina by an innovative Superintendent to teach their hands on architectural course to this small towns' kids. They are trying to make a difference with not only the kids, but with the community as a whole. They are trying to make everyone a part of their project. And despite losing their salaries from the school district, they pressed on to do what they thought was right. It's heartwarming and heart wrenching and shows the true dedication of Emily and Matt and doing something they are passionate for and believe in despite any obstacles that get in their way.

Showing - 
Friday 9/27 - 4:30PM at the Oriental Theatre
Friday 10/4 - 2:30PM at the Fox-Bay Cinema
Sunday 10/6 - 1:00PM at the Oriental Theatre

Film I Want To See Today That I Haven't Yet - The Crash Reel

One of this year's films in competition, The Crash Reel focuses on snowboarder Kevin Pearce who along with Shaun White led the snowboarding ranks until a crash changed his life. The film follows Pearce as he works his way back despite the protests of his family.

Showing - 
Friday 9/27 - at the Downer Theatre

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 1


The air is crisp in Milwaukee this time of year -- comfortable days (in the 70s today and crisp nights in the 50's) but there is a heat wave taking shape for this evening.

You see -- it's the begining of the 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival.

In mere hours from when this post goes live, Milwaukee film goers will be transported to worlds that are only experienced because of the efforts of the dedicated staff at Milwaukee film.

And - I'm ready to go on the ride with you - and you can live vicariously through me if you'd like.

No, I can't get out to every day of the festival -- since it's in the part of the world that I live in, there are family commitments and other films that will screen (and even a short trip out of town) that will impact my time...BUT -- that doesn't mean I won't provide you with daily thoughts on the festival.

One day might feature my thoughts on the films for the day -- telling you where to go and what not to miss.

One day might feature a review of a film.

And another day might just feature observations relating to the day....

I love the opportunities that present themselves in the festival format. In fact I posted something a little over 2 years ago -- that still rings true TODAY about why you should go to a film festival in your hometown.

READ THE ARTICLE HERE on why you should go to a film festival.

I'll be experiencing a lot of documentaries over the next two weeks...

For now -- let's just strap in! And get ready to ENJOY - Milwaukee Film Festival 2013.

Feature(s) of the Day

OPENING NIGHT FILM - Break Up Man - Called a riotous comedy that has taken its native Germany by storm. This is the perfect opener for this year's festival featuring - Passport Germany

Senin, 16 September 2013

A Closer Look - Submit The Documentary

Submit The Documentary
We all think we are safe.

We all think our kids are safe.

We all think that our kids online friends are tame and do nothing wrong.

We are wrong.

Submit The Documentary takes a look at bullying. Not the kind of bullying that occurs with a punch or a slap. This is the kind of bullying that gets inside of a kids head. And this can be lethal.

Behind the anonymity of a computer screen it is easy to become something you are not. Look at the numbers of adults that get scammed daily with a "Send Me Money" email, or "You are a winner, just send me $500 to claim your prize" emails. They get taken even though they know better.

Now look at your 12, 13, 14 year old sitting next to you. They have much less general street sense than a 45 year old individual. And they are getting taken by people posing as their friends, and then turning to bully them.

In the film we meet more than one parent with children that were bullied so bad online that they have met the ultimate demise.

We meet experts that desperately try to impart the knowledge that this bullying exists AND that it is more threatening than a push on the playground.

And we meet kids that think it's ok to post things online that aren't true. Things that they wouldn't say in person to someone get typed on a computer screen and get seen by more people than ever before.

Submit The Documentary is on a mission. A mission to enlighten parents and kids around the world.

They believe in their mission so much that they are doing everything they can to get the word out about this film.

I count myself privileged to have been able to experience the film. As a parent of a 9 year old daughter - this time is approaching my life at warp speed. I'm grateful to have had my eyes reopened. I know the online wilderness - but not every parent does. And Submit The Documentary will help EVERY parent become more vigilant and aware of the pitfalls of social media.

Social Media is NOT inherently bad -- but it can be used for both good and bad. It's up to the adults to help kids navigate the minefield and express our love for them. We need to support and be nosy where it is needed. But the key is we need to educate those kids!

To the boys out there -- no girl really wants to see your junk, DON'T text it / instagram it/ Vine it/ Facebook it / Tweet it or ANYTHING ELSE.

To the girls out there -- EVERY BOY really wants to see your junk, DON'T text it / instagram it/ Vine it/ Facebook it / Tweet it or ANYTHING ELSE.

Be good to each other! Together we can make the online environment a better place.

And THANKS to the folks behind Submit The Documentary for a really enlightening piece that is easy to understand.

If you have kids on social media, you NEED to see this film.

Visit the film's website at SUBMIT THE DOCUMENTARY to see upcoming screenings and other ways to get the word out on this important film.

Weekend Recap - Scaring up Big Bucks's not October yet -- but that doesn't mean people don't have an appetite for a horror movie as Insidious: Chapter 2 scared up over $41 million at the box office far outdistancing the number two The Family (just over $14 million).

Other notables over the weekend...

- Lee Daniels' The Butler crossed through the $100 million threshold this weekend in domestic box office.

- This is the End also went through the $100 million mark this weekend.

- Despicable Me 2 is closing in on $360 million and is solidly in place to be the second highest grossing film of 2013.

-Principal photography began yesterday in the UK on a new film based on Alan Turing's life (the man credited with cracking the German Enigma code). Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley head the cast. Sounds like it could be a good one.

What does the week ahead hold?

- Tomorrow the Home Screening Room is back...and it features a film with additional footage that already was in the Top 10 in money this year.

- Friday in theaters is the highly anticipated release of Prisoners (Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal) and the dance movie Battle of the Year. PLUS - The Wizard of Oz shows up in 3D/IMAX and the Rush (goes wide on the 27th).
limited opening of

And just because I can....

- This weekend featured a crazy ending to a college football game that I just can't not say anything about. Wisconsin/Arizona State game on Saturday night ended in a way that no game should end, with referees that let something that teams try all the time, but can't get away with actually work. A player laid on the ball for 10 seconds and a referee that wouldn't let the team spike the ball to stop the clock. This is not saying Wisconsin would have made the field goal and won the game...but the try should have at least happened. I see a script there with the story of a corrupt officiating crew...come on you know it should happen....

Ok -- done ranting, looking forward to this week. Fun movies are all around the corner.

Thanks for reading - time to call ACTION! on this week.

Follow Paul on Facebook -
Follow Paul on Twitter - @commonguymovies

Kamis, 12 September 2013

A different kind of post...just me....

For those of you who have been reading awhile...I have tried to keep to movies here on a regular basis and just movies...but it's time to refocus the blog.
My Family at our local Smurfs 2 screening.

Don't worry -- the movie content is not going away, I just plan on adding more of me, and other topics to the mix. I hope I won't turn you off, but I'm going to use the blog to talk about a variety of things. I hope you don't mind.

Today I just want to put up a couple words about what I do.

It's a blessing to be able to have the forum that I've had over the years. I've been providing content on my site, my way for over 15 years. And yes -- it can be a lot of fun.

I'm extremely proud of what I've done and how I've behaved through the years and for the most part I'll keep that behavior front and center.

It's funny though...

I see reports all over the media about a blogger (based in NYC) that at the Toronto film festival called 911 to report alledged piracy at a "Press and Industry" screening of a film. Sure -- cell phone usage at some screenings is rampant at places like Toronto. Now all over the media -- cell phone usage in movies is being debated. As is the actions of this blogger in calling 911. He has since apologized and says that was over the line, but still -- does anyone think he isn't enjoying the increased traffic at his site as his name and site are all over this story. Has anyone asked -- maybe this is a publicity stunt for his site? Who knows? But I'm not talking about his site here....just the story. I should be so lucky to have his 30,000 + followers on twitter. But I don't -- maybe I'm just too nice.

I see another prominent blogger that constantly belittles people who disagree with him on any issue. Especially of a political nature. Now I'm someone who thinks that all views have validity...I may not agree with one side of things or the other, but good people can disagree. Just because you don't agree with me on  one or more topics does not make you a bad person (nor does it make me a bad person). But I won't stoop to bullying or belittling folks that have let me into their lives by reading what I've wrote, watching television appearances or listening to radio visits. Sure I'd love his 16,000+ followers on twitter, but I can't find myself the courage to belittle people like that,  I just don't -- maybe I'm just too nice.

So maybe, overall...I'm too nice.

When I see a good movie, life is good.

Maybe I need to be more assertive.

Maybe I need to state my case a little better.

Maybe I need to make more of my future...but I want to do it nicely.

I want to have spirited debates, but never get to the point of name calling.

Sure I want to be relevant, I've been doing this a long time and know my stuff.

So expect more posts from just me....on relevant points, on points I want to talk about, on just about anything. I want to hear what you want to talk about as well. I can't wait for where the journey will take us.

I'll be posting trailers, and many less formal full posts.

I'll be posting personal stories and stories that are just a rehash of the news.

I'll be posting comments about anything and everything.

I love my family and friends, I love my faith, I love the sun, I love warm weather, I love football season and I LOVE THE MOVIES -- watch for all that and MORE in the weeks to come.

Thanks everyone!


Jumat, 06 September 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Full Lineup Announced

Here's an extensive list of all the titles for this year's Milwaukee Film Festival.

Lots of good stuff to see here Milwaukee...including August: Osage County and a slew of documentaries on a variety of topics from Wisconsin Politics to Snowboarders. Those who know me know I love my docs!

I'm excited...more on my picks as the festival approaches!
Milwaukee Film Festival Announces Entire 2013 Line-up
240 total films to screen over the course of the festival’s 15 days

MILWAUKEE – September 6, 2013 – The Milwaukee Film Festival, presented by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, is proud to announce the entire film line-up of the 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival. This year’s festival will screen a total of 240 films – 103 features and 137 shorts – from 44 different countries. Among the features are 45 documentaries and 57 narratives, including one North American premiere on Opening Night, and one silent classic featuring a brand new live accompaniment from Milwaukee-based band Altos. Rounding out the features number is the highly anticipated Super Secret Screening (for Milwaukee Film Members only).
“Our programming philosophy has always been to provide the best 15 days of cinema you can find on the planet,” explained Artistic & Executive Director Jonathan Jackson. “Looking at the line-up in its entirety, I’m confident we’ve achieved this. Milwaukee’s in for one hell of a festival.”

For your very own copy of the entire festival line-up, the Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 Program Books will be available to the general public for the first time this Saturday, September 7 from 9 AM – 1 PM at the East Town Farmer’s Market in Cathedral Square Park. This will also be the last day to purchase festival passes and ticket 6-packs in person at their early discount rate. 

The complete 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival line-up:


Break Up Man (Schlussmacher)

(Germany / 2012 / Director: Matthias Schweighöfer)

Closing Night Film - Blood Brother

Earth feat. live accompaniment from Altos
(Ukraine / 1930 / Director: Aleksandr Dovzhenko)

Blood Brother
(USA / 2012 / Director: Steve Hoover)

After Tiller
(USA / 2012 / Directors: Martha Shane, Lana Wilson)

The Angels’ Share
(United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Italy / 2012 / Director: Ken Loach)

August: Osage County
(USA / 2013 / Director: John Wells)

Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me
(USA / 2013 / Director: Chiemi Karasawa)

Free the Mind
(Denmark, Finland / 2012 / Director: Phie Ambo)

The History of Future Folk
(USA / 2012 / Director: J. Anderson Mitchell, Jeremy Kipp Walker)

The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete

(USA / 2012 / Director: Jason Wise)


(USA / 2009 / Director: George Tillman, Jr.)

The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete
(USA / 2013 / Director: George Tillman, Jr.)

Blow Out
(USA / 1981 / Director: Brian De Palma)


12 O’Clock Boys

(USA / 2013 / Director: Lofty Nathan)

The Act of Killing
(Denmark, Norway, United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Joshua Oppenheimer)

Beyond the Hills (Dupa Dealuri)
(Romania / 2012 / Director: Cristian Mungiu)

The Crash Reel
(USA / 2013 / Director: Lucy Walker)

Post Tenebras Lux
(Mexico, France, Germany, Netherlands / 2012 / Director: Carlos Reygadas)

Stories We Tell
(Canada / 2012 / Director: Sarah Polley)

Upstream Color
(USA / 2013 / Director: Shane Carruth)

War Witch (Rebelle)
(Canada / 2012 / Director: Kim Nguyen)

Almanya, Welcome to Germany (Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland)
(Germany / 2011 / Director: Yasemin Samdereli)

Hannah Arendt
(Germany / 2012 / Director: Margarethe von Trotta)

(Australia, Germany, United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Cate Shortland)

Ludwig II
(Germany / 2012 / Directors: Marie Noëlle, Peter Sehr)

Oh Boy
(Germany / 2012 / Director: Jan Ole Gerster)

Oma & Bella
(Germany / 2012 / Director: Alexa Karolinski)

This Ain’t California
(Germany / 2012 / Director: Marten Persiel)

Wings of Desire
(Germany / 1987 / Director: Wim Wenders)


The Land Before Time
(USA, Ireland / 1988 / Director: Don Bluth)

Taking Chances (Patatje Oorlog)
(Netherlands, Belgium / 2011 / Director: Nicole van Kilsdonk)

Wolf Children (Okami Kodomo No Ame To Yuki)
(Japan / 2012 / Director: Mamoru Hosoda)

(France, Belgium / 2012 / Directors: Rémi Bezançon, Jean-Christophe Lie)

Kids Shorts: Size Small

Aston's Presents (Sweden / 2012 / Directors: Uzi Geffenblad, Lotta Geffenblad)

Choir Tour (Latvia / 2012 / Director: Edmunds Jansons)

Chopin's Drawings (USA / 2011 / Director: Dorota Kobiela)

Eskimal (Mexico / 2011 / Director: Homero Ramirez Tena)

How Shammies Guessed (Latvia / 2012 / Director: Edmunds Jansons)

Kitten's First Full Moon (USA / 2011 / Director: Gary McGivney)

Knuffle Bunny Free (USA / 2012 / Director: Karen Villarreal)

The Little Bird and the Leaf (Switzerland / 2012 / Director: Lena Von Döhren)

Mira's Night (USA / 2011 / Director: Elyse Kelly)

A Tangled Tale (USA / 2013 / Director: Corrie Francis Parks)

Kids Shorts: Size Medium

Big Mouth (Canada / 2012 / Director: Andrea Dorfman)

Boris the Rat Dresses Warmly (Finland / 2012 / Directors: Kaisa Penttilä, Leena Jääskeläinen)

Chinti (Russia / 2012 / Director: Natalia Mirzoyan)

Colosse - A Wood Tale (USA / 2012 / Director: Yves Geleyn)

The Fox and the Chickadee (Canada / 2012 / Director: Evan Derushie)

Frog Weather (Germany / 2011 / Director: Pauline Kortmann)

Jonah and the Crab (USA / 2012 / Director: Laurel Cohen)

My First Spellbook (Scotland / 2011 / Director: Gavin Laing)

Paulie (USA / 2012 / Director: Andrew Nackman)

Shame and Glasses (Italy / 2013 / Director: Alessandro Riconda)

Wing (Denmark / 2011 / Directors: Asger Grevil, Mette Vestergaard Madsen)

Kids Shorts: Size Large

Bot (USA / 2010 / Director: Mustafa Lazkani)

Eyes on the Stars (USA / 2012 / Director: The Rauch Brothers)

A Girl Named Elastika (Canada / 2012 / Director: Guillaume Blanchet)

High Noon (Venezuela / 2013 / Director: Ivan Mazza)

I'm Going to Mum's (New Zealand / 2012 / Director: Lauren Jackson)

Krake (Germany / 2012 / Director: Regina Welker)

The Maiden and the Princess (USA / 2011 / Director: Ali Scher)

Monster, Me (USA / 2013 / Director: Milt Klingensmith)

Song of the Spindle (USA / 2011 / Director: Drew Christie)

Sounds for Mazin (Netherlands / 2012 / Director: Ingrid Kamerling)

Turning a Corner (USA / 2012 / Director: David B. Levy)


Billy Club
(USA / 2013 / Directors: Drew Rosas, Nick Sommer)

Date America
(USA / 2012 / Directors: Bob Murray, Amy Neuenschwander)

The Milwaukee Show

Before You (USA / 2013 / Director: Michael T. Vollmann)

Begong Ava, Begong Hele (USA / 2013 / Director: Heather Hass)

Cinders (USA / 2013 / Director: Andrew Gralton)

The Glitch (USA / 2013 / Director: Zijian Yan)

I Am (USA / 2013 / Director: Karim Raoul)

Love You Still (USA / 2013 / Director: Michael Viers)

Margaret Hue Would Like To Go To Mars. (USA / 2013 / Director: Anna Sampers)

Pluto and the Vessel (USA / 2013 / Director: Harrison Browning)

The Quiet City (USA / 2013 / Director: Brian McGuire)

Spectacle! (USA / 2013 / Directors: Andrew Swant, WC Tank, Erik Ljung, Kurt Raether, Carol Brandt)

USPS (USA / 2013 / Director: Jessica Farrell)

Within A Stone’s Throw (USA / 2013 / Director: Cecelia Condit)

The Milwaukee Youth Show

Alexander Copenhagen and the Key of Destiny (USA / 2012 / Director: Thomas Fleischmann)

Birth of a Dream (USA / 2013 / Director: Megan Sai Dogra)

Copycat (USA / 2013 / Director: Hudson Miller)

#DiseasesSpreadLikeRumors (USA / 2012 / Directors: Participants in Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Programs)

#DontBeAnOffenderToThoseWhoLoveTheSameGender (USA / 2012 / Directors: Participants in Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Programs)

Flowers in Bloom (USA / 2013 / Director: Alejandra Salinas)

#ForgetTheHumpIfYouDontWantTheBump (USA / 2012 / Directors: Participants in Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Programs)

Generation Empowered: The Dream is Now (USA / 2013 / Director: LaTonya Matlock)

How Geoffrey Broke His Glasses (USA / 2012 / Director: Jamie Mercado)

In The Mind (USA / 2013 / Director: Brian Mercado)

The Journey Home (USA / 2013 / Directors: Elizabeth Zingsheim, Mara Matovich)

Night of the Beanie Babies (USA / 2013 / Directors: Josh Frank, Ryan Coenen)

Pancakes (USA / 2013 / Director: Lauren Markey, Brian Ore)
Phone Wars (USA / 2012 / Director: Holly Kraemer, Kevin Salgado)

Poppin’ (USA / 2013 / Directors: Lauren Markey, Brian Ore)

Spider Dog (USA / 2013 / Directors: Gabriella Avila, Alexia Justo)
Sun Up,Sun Down (USA / 2013 / Director: Felicia McGowan)

Toytonic (USA / 2013 / Directors: Students from Audubon Technology and Communication Center)

(USA / 2013 / Director: Brad Lichtenstein)

Sign Painters
(USA / 2013 / Directors: Faythe Levine, Sam Macon)

When the King Tilts
(USA / 2013 / Director: Drew Britton)


Bayou Maharajah: The Tragic Genius of James Booker
(USA / 2013 / Director: Lily Keber)

Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me
(USA / 2012 / Director: Drew DeNicola)

Brothers Hypnotic
(USA / 2013 / Director: Reuben Atlas)

Enzo Avitabile Music Life
(Italy / 2012 / Director: Jonathan Demme)

The Girls in the Band
(USA / 2011 / Director: Judy Chaikin)

Muscle Shoals
(USA / 2012 / Director: Greg “Freddy” Camalier)

Narco Cultura
(USA / 2012 / Director: Shaul Schwarz)

Stop Making Sense
(USA / 1984 / Director: Jonathan Demme)


100 Bloody Acres
(Australia / 2012 / Directors: Colin Cairnes, Cameron Cairnes)

2001: A Space Odyssey
(USA, United Kingdom / 1968 / Director: Stanley Kubrick)

Enter the Dragon
(USA, Hong Kong / 1973 / Director: Robert Clouse)

Here Comes the Devil
(Mexico / 2012 / Director: Adrián García Bogliano)

The Rambler
(USA / 2013 / Director: Calvin Lee Reeder)

(United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Ben Wheatley)

Vanishing Waves
(Lithuania, France, Belgium / 2012 / Director: Kristina Buožyt)

We Are What We Are
(USA / 2013 / Director: Jim Mickle)


Shorts: The Best Damn F*#@ing Midnight Program Ever. Sh*t.

Total running time: 83 min

The Apocalypse (USA / 2012 / Director: Andrew Zuchero)

The Cub (USA / 2012 / Director: Riley Stearns)

Flytopia (United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Karni Arieli, Saul Freed)

Hell No (USA / 2013 / Director: Joe Nicolosi)

It’s Not You, It’s Me (USA / 2012 / Director: Matt Spicer)

Oh Sheep! (Germany / 2012 / Director: Gottfried Mentor)

Perfect Drug (Belgium / 2012 / Director: Toon Aerts)

Sea Pig (USA / 2013 / Directors: Andrew Gilchrist, Jesse Allen)

Swarming (Kuhina) (Finland / 2011 / Director: Joni Männistö)

Shorts: Date Night

Total running time: 95 min

The Bird Spider (La Migala) (Spain / 2011 / Director: Jaime Dezcallar)

CRUSH 472 (United Kingdom / 2013 / Director: Jess Scott-Hunter)

The Date (Treffit) (Finland / 2012 / Director: Jenni Toivoniemi)

Ellen Is Leaving (New Zealand / 2012 / Director: Michelle Savill)

Routine (Rutina) (Spain / 2012 / Director: Ana Ortiz)

Taboulé (Spain / 2011 / Director: Richard García)

Ten Thousand Days (New Zealand / 2012 / Director: Michael Duignan)

Tram (France, Czech Republic / 2012 / Director: Michaela Pavlátová)

Undress Me (Ta Av Mig) (Sweden / 2013 / Director: Victor Lindgren)

Shorts: Let’s Get Animated

Total running time: 82 min

Bird Food (Ireland / 2012 / Director: Richard Keane)

Boles (Germany / 2013 / Director: Spela Cadez)

I Am Tom Moody (United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Ainslie Henderson)

Irish Folk Furniture (Ireland / 2012 / Director: Tony Donoghue)

Jonah (Tanzania, United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Kibwe Tavares)

Marcel, King of Tervuren(USA / 2012 / Director: Tom Schroeder)

Oh Willy… (Belgium, France, Netherlands / 2012 / Directors: Marc James Roels, Emma De Swaef)

Palmipedarium (France / 2012 / Director: Jérémy Clapin)

Shorts: …Make Lemonade

Total running time: 88 min

All Souls’ Day (Swieto Zmarlych) (Poland / 2012 / Director: Aleksandra Terpińska)

Fear of Flying (Ireland / 2012 / Director: Conor Finnegan)

Keys. Wallet. Phone. (Germany / 2012 / Director: Juliet Lashinsky-Revene)

Summer Vacation (Hofesh Gadol) (Israel / 2012 / Directors: Sharon Maymon, Tal Granit)

Walking the Dogs (United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Jeremy Brock)

Shorts: Modern Families

Total running time: 84 min

Anna and Jerome (France / 2012 / Director: Melanie Delloye)

Do I Have to Take Care of Everything? (Pitaako mun Kaikki Hoitaa?) (Finland / 2011 / Director: Selma Vihunen)

Dotty (New Zealand / 2012 / Directors: Mick Andrews, Brett O’Gorman)

F**k the Parents (USA / 2012 / Director: Ethan Kuperberg)

Grandpa and Me and a Helicopter to Heaven (Morfar och jag och helikoptern till himlen) (Sweden / 2013 / Directors: Asa Blanck, Johan Palmgren)

Mobile Homes (USA, France / 2013 / Director: Vladimir de Fontenay)

Mud Crab (Australia / 2012 / Directors: Igor Coric, Sheldon Lieberman)

My Favorite Picture of You (USA / 2013 / Directors: Dan Lindsay, T.J. Martin)


Shorts: Obsession

Total running time: 89 min

Dumpy Goes to the Big Smoke (Australia / 2012 / Director: Mirrah Foulkes)

Eating Lunch (Äta Lunch)(Sweden / 2012 / Director: Sanna Lenken)

Georgena Terry (USA / 2012 / Director: Amanda Zackem)

GUN (USA / 2012 / Director: Spencer Gillis)

Peach Juice (Canada / 2012 / Directors: Callum Paterson, Nathan Gilliss, Brian Lye)

The Roper (USA / 2012 / Directors: Ewan McNicol, Anna Sandilands)

The Tuner (O Afinador) (Brazil / 2012 / Directors: Fernando Camargo, Matheus Parizi)

Woody (Australia / 2013 / Director: Stuart Bowen)

Shorts: Out of This World

Total running time: 91 min

The Captain (Australia, USA / 2013 / Directors: Nash Edgerton, Spencer Susser)

Catnip: Egress to Oblivion? (USA / 2012 / Director: Jason Willis)

Delicacy (USA / 2012 / Director: Jason Mann)

Dust (United Kingdom / 2013 / Directors: Ben Ockrent, Jake Russell)

Edmond Was a Donkey (Edmond Était un Âne) (Canada, France / 2012 / Director: Franck Dion)

Hotel (Spain / 2012 / Director: Jose Luis Aleman)

Record/Play (United Kingdom, Bosnia / 2012 / Director: Jesse Atlas)

Shelved (New Zealand / 2011 / Director: James Cunningham)

Ufologist (USA / 2012 / Directors: Ewan McNicol, Anna Sandilands)

Shorts: Stranger Than Fiction

Total running time: 102 min

Eddie Adams: Saigon ‘68 (USA / 2012 / Director: Douglas Sloan)

The Flogsta Roar (Flogstavrålet) (Sweden / 2013 / Director: Johan Palmgren)

Mr. Christmas (USA / 2012 / Director: Nick Palmer)

Pouters (United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Paul Fegan)

Unravel (United Kingdom, India / 2012 / Director: Meghna Gupta)

Vladimir Putin In Deep Concentration (USA / 2013 / Directors: Dana O’Keefe, Sasha Kliment)

We Will Live Again (USA / 2013 / Directors: Joshua Koury, Myles Kane)


American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs

(USA / 2013 / Director: Grace Lee)

Band of Sisters
(USA / 2012 / Director: Mary Fishman)

Becoming Traviata
(France / 2012 / Director: Philippe Béziat)

Bound by Flesh

(USA / 2012 / Director: Leslie Zemeckis)

Breathing Earth
(Germany, United Kingdom / 2012 / Director: Thomas Riedelsheimer)

Citizen Koch
(USA / 2012 / Directors: Carl Deal, Tia Lessin)

Fatal Assistance (Assistance Mortelle)
(France, Haiti, USA, Belgium / 2013 / Director: Raoul Peck)

God Loves Uganda
(USA / 2013 / Director: Roger Ross Williams)

Google and the World Brain
(Spain, United Kingdom / 2013 / Director: Ben Lewis)

If You Build It
(USA / 2013 / Director: Patrick Creadon)

(USA / 2012 / Director: Jamie Meltzer)

The Institute
(USA / 2012 / Director: Spencer McCall)

(USA / 2013 / Director: Jillian Schlesinger)

More Than Honey
(Germany / 2012 / Director: Markus Imhoof)

Mussels in Love
(Netherlands, Belgium / 2012 / Director: Willemiek Kluijfhout)

Pandora’s Promise
(USA / 2013 / Director: Robert Stone)

The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
(United Kingdom, Ireland / 2012 / Director: Sophie Fiennes)

Remote Area Medical
(USA / 2013 / Directors: Jeff Reichert, Farihah Zaman)

Rising From Ashes
(USA, Rwanda, United Kingdom, South Africa / 2012 / Director: T.C. Johnstone)

Spinning Plates
(USA / 2012 / Director: Joseph Levy)

Unhung Hero
(USA / 2013 / Director: Brian Spitz)

Valentine Road
(USA / 2012 / Director: Marta Cunningham)

When I Walk
(USA, Canada / 2013 / Director: Jason DaSilva)

Which Way Is the Front Line from Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington
(USA / 2012 / Director: Sebastian Junger)


2+2 (Dos Más Dos)
(Argentina / 2013 / Director: Diego Kaplan)

Aayna Ka Bayna
(India / 2012 / Director: Samit Kakkad)

The Almost Man
(Norway / 2012 / Director: Martin Lund)

(Spain, France / 2012 / Director: Pablo Berger)

The Broken Circle Breakdown
(Belgium, Netherlands / 2012 / Director: Felix van Groeningen)

Closed Curtain (Pardé)
(Iran / 2013 / Directors: Jafar Panahi, Kamboziya Partovi)

Drug War (Du Zhan)
(Hong Kong / 2012 / Director: Johnnie To)

Fanie Fourie’s Lobola
(South Africa / 2013 / Director: Henk Pretorius)

Finding Mr. Right
(China, Hong Kong / 2013 / Director: Xue Xiaolu)

A Hijacking (Kapringen)
(Denmark / 2012 / Director: Tobias Lindholm)

House With a Turret (Dom S Bashenkoy)
(Ukraine / 2012 / Director: Eva Neymann)

In The House (Dans La Maison)
(France / 2012 / Director: François Ozon)

Key of Life (Kagidorobou No Method)
(Japan / 2012 / Director: Kenji Uchida)

Laurence Anyways
(Canada / 2012 / Director: Xavier Dolan)

Northwest (Nordvest)
(Denmark / 2013 / Director: Michael Noer)

Once Upon a Time Veronica
(Brazil, France / 2012 / Director: Marcelo Gomes)

Paradise: Hope (Paradies: Hoffnung)
(Germany / 2013 / Director: Ulrich Seidl)

Picture Day
(Canada / 2012 / Director: Kate Melville)

The Pirogue (La Pirogue)
(France, Senegal / 2012 / Director: Moussa Touré) 

(Italy, France / 2012 / Director: Matteo Garrone)

Something in the Air (Après mai)
(France / 2012 / Director: Olivier Assayas)

Tanta Agua
(Uruguay, Mexico, Netherlands, Germany / 2013 / Directors: Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge)

This is Martin Bonner
(USA / 2013 / Director: Chad Hartigan)

(United Kingdom, Israel, France / 2012 / Director: Eran Riklis)

The 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival runs September 26 – October 10, 2013 at the Landmark Oriental Theatre, Landmark Downer Theatre, and Fox-Bay Cinema Grill. Passes and ticket 6-packs for the 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival are currently available at discounted rates exclusively online at Festival passes and 6-packs are selling quickly, with early numbers already surpassing the total sold in all of 2012.

Tickets for individual screenings will be available through Milwaukee Film Festival Box Office starting September 11 for Milwaukee Film Members and September 12 for the General Public.

The 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival program book will first be available at the East Town Farmer’s Market in Cathedral Square on Saturday, September 7, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. The book will be available at multiple locations throughout the city starting Sunday, September 8.