Kamis, 26 September 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 1


The air is crisp in Milwaukee this time of year -- comfortable days (in the 70s today and crisp nights in the 50's) but there is a heat wave taking shape for this evening.

You see -- it's the begining of the 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival.

In mere hours from when this post goes live, Milwaukee film goers will be transported to worlds that are only experienced because of the efforts of the dedicated staff at Milwaukee film.

And - I'm ready to go on the ride with you - and you can live vicariously through me if you'd like.

No, I can't get out to every day of the festival -- since it's in the part of the world that I live in, there are family commitments and other films that will screen (and even a short trip out of town) that will impact my time...BUT -- that doesn't mean I won't provide you with daily thoughts on the festival.

One day might feature my thoughts on the films for the day -- telling you where to go and what not to miss.

One day might feature a review of a film.

And another day might just feature observations relating to the day....

I love the opportunities that present themselves in the festival format. In fact I posted something a little over 2 years ago -- that still rings true TODAY about why you should go to a film festival in your hometown.

READ THE ARTICLE HERE on why you should go to a film festival.

I'll be experiencing a lot of documentaries over the next two weeks...

For now -- let's just strap in! And get ready to ENJOY - Milwaukee Film Festival 2013.

Feature(s) of the Day

OPENING NIGHT FILM - Break Up Man - Called a riotous comedy that has taken its native Germany by storm. This is the perfect opener for this year's festival featuring - Passport Germany

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