Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

Milwaukee Film Festival - It's not over yet!

The 2014 edition of the Milwaukee Film Festival is coming to a close - but it is NOT OVER still have chances to get out and enjoy a couple days of the fest. and there are some big events for the last 3 nights of the fest!

Tonight - features Point and Shoot a documentary by Marshall Curry (he'll be in attendance too!)

Point and Shoot is a poignant, heartbreaking, yet inspirational tale of Matthew VanDyke. VanDyke was on a journey across Africa on a motorcycle to "find" himself and ...  purpose in general, all under the guise of filming a travel video.

On that journey he met a man in Libya and fell in love with the country and the Libyan people. So when revolution swept the area, he knew there was only one thing to do. Head to Libya with his friend and fight.

This amazing documentary will give you VanDyke's actual war footage. Footage like nothing you have seen before.

You'll hear the bullets. You'll feel the pain. You'll experience a war, close up and unfiltered. You will realize the emotions involved with Matthew, his girlfriend Loren and his many friends on the ground in Libya.

Director Marshall Curry weaves VanDyke's amazing footage together to not only tell the story of the war and the fighting, but to also capture the unique growth of an individual. An individual that struggles with many things in his personal life. An individual that is not perfect, but wants nothing less than to become his own person.

It doesn't matter if you are pro-war or anti-war. It doesn't matter if you believe in the Libyan revolution or can't find Libya on a map. Point and Shoot captures so much more than the war that it is filming. It will make you experience life/growth/death/war/happiness and may just allow you to grow a bit too. A truly special film.

(And if you miss it tonight - catch it on Thursday afternoon before the fest ends ... also at the Oriental.)

After this special film....stick around to check out A Year in Burgundy -- you fans of Somm from last year's fest...a nice relaxing movie featuring wine...tastes great!

Tomorrow features the annual "Secret Screening" for MKE Film members ... I have a sneaking suspsicion I have a hunch what it is...and if I'm right it would be a saintly night at the Oriental on Wednesday.

Finally - Closing night.... Thursday. Director Gil Cates Jr. and Star Sean Astin are in town for the film shot on Lake Michigan (among other locations)....Surface

More on that later...for now...enjoy the festival while you can, you get a chance to still check out films at the Oriental, Downer, Fox Bay and Times Cinema.

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