Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Home Screening Room - It's Monsters This Week

It's Monsters This Halloween Week. 

Big Releases from Theaters

Monsters University – Rated G (voices of Billy Crystal, John Goodman)
R.I.P.D – Rated PG-13 (Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds)

Two movies that had totally different results in the box office both come home on the same day. R.I.P.D. bombed at the theaters, but that can sometimes mean good things for the DVD release. Haven’t seen the extras here just yet, but the movie itself…well it bombed for a reason. On the other hand, Monsters University comes from a successful run in the theaters with a Blu-ray that is loaded with extras. I HAVE explored this one and will have more about it in another column.

Also New This Week

The Bible: The Eipc Miniseries – Not Rated (Diogo Morgado, Amber Rose Revan)

Byzantium – Rated R (Gemma Arterton, Saoirse Ronan)

Don’t Trust the B…in Apartment 23: The Complete Series
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist – Not Rated R (Christian Martyn, Eddie Steeples)
Raising Hope: The Complete Third Season

What a cross-section here. From the Bible to another B and yet another turn with Home Alone? Remember the first Home Alone took the box office by storm in November of 1990 (23 years ago now).  

Final Score
The Monsters University Blu-ray / DVD combo pack needs to be in your collection. Every fan of Disney / Pixar films should see the background here that looks behind the scenes of the absolutely cool Pixar Studios..

Pop Popcorn, Do the DietDew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Review - Bad Grandpa

Not Your Father's Grandpa

Sitting down to view the newest film starring Johnny Knoxville as the stereotypical “dirty old man” Irving Zisman was the bane of many film critics’ existence. But Why?

Sure the film is raw, raunchy and over the top, but didn’t we expect that knowing how Zisman has been portrayed in earlier Jackass films? Maybe, many of the critics haven’t seen one of the earlier Jackass films and maybe they don’t realize how funny those skits were in the context of everything. But I digress…

Let’s get to the thin story that exists. Irving’s wife has passed away and he sets out to take his daughter’s son (she’s on her way to jail) across the country to his father. Along the way the two encounter a variety of individuals and a variety of situations.

That’s the thin plot that exists here and the real thing wrong with the film. Because the plot is so thin, it actually detracts from the fun that is here.

Look, I’m not going to tell you everyone will like this film. They won’t. But what I am going to say is Johnny Knoxville and the rest of the cast delivers a mix of belly laughs, chuckles and downright funny moments to go alongside the cringe inducing turns.

Yes, I went home right after the movie and showered, but only once. Compared to some of the Jackass gags, this is actually kind of tame.

I don’t apologize for laughing out loud at the screening as Johnny Knoxville can deliver that. This would have been even funnier if it were in the context of just the Irving Zisman chronicles…it didn’t need the road trip aspect.

If it’s over the top raucous laughs you are looking for, you won’t get much badder than this grandpa. This is definitely NOT your father's grandpa.


Paramount Pictures

Director: Jeff Tremaine
Cast: Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll

Rating: R for strong crude and sexual content throughout, language, some graphic nudity and brief drug use.
Runtime: 1 hour 32 minutes

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Submit the Documentary - Watch Now

A couple weeks back, during the midst of the Milwaukee Film Festival, I took time out of that busy
schedule to talk about a film I found to be important for parents to see. The film is Submit The Documentary and it takes a very real look at Cyber bullying.

Take a look at what I said here. A Closer Look - Submit The Documentary.

This post comes to you as a two fold absolutely impressive thing. The creators behind the film agree and have always agreed that this is a film that needs to be seen by a wide variety of people. So they went to an even crazier step and released it in a number of outlets for FREE to watch online.

I agree - this is a title that needs to be seen and so I've embedded the You Tube link to the complete film below. Please take an hour and watch it. It is enlightening and a bit scary. But as parents we need to be prepared to fight for our kids wherever harm may find them. You may have a Facebook page, be on Twitter, post to Instagram or text regularly, but you probably won't believe what happens in the same forums when you are middle school or high school student.

If you are an educational insititution or a parents group (PTO and the like). Please contact the producers directly - they have educational materials available to help you with this and can make sure the impact is felt.

I don't have a vested interest in this film. I asked to see it'; it wasn't pitched to me. Do I think it is the best documentary you will see this year, not really. But I think it is as important if not more important that most of what you will watch for the year. I have a 9 year old daughter and although she isn't involved in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Texting and the like....I need to prepare for the future as we all should.

Watch the movie below -- and underneath that please find the contact information to find out more on educational screenings.

You can always contact me directly through this site.

Or visit the film's website -

Or to book the film, questions, for more info go directly to the contact page. 

All bullying is will be able to see physical bullying, but the bullying that is done online can be much worse.

Do me a favor, watch the film and talk to your kids. You can help. Don't be afraid.


Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Midweek Fun - Anchorman 2 Trailer and More

I'm not gonna lie -- this has been a long, slow week....

I've been getting a lot accomplished, but i needed this. I'm hungry and what shows up in my email. A release announcing Scotchy Scotch Scotch...I'm hungry and could use some ice cream and I get an email on Ron Burgundy's flavor? Send me some...I want some!! Ben? Jerry? Ron? Paramount? Are you listening? YUMM!!!

Roun Burgundy himself is quoted as saying. “Scotchy, Scotch, Scotch is a delicious ice cream and I hope Ben and Jerry consider my other suggestions...Malt liquor marshmallow, well liquor bourbon peanut butter, and cheap white wine sherbet.” 

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues is in theaters this December from Paramount Pictures.

But that's not all this column has on Anchorman 2... The new trailer is below, and yes I laughed a lot!

Not into Anchorman news, ok, though you should be. The Los Angeles Times broke the story yesterday that The Monuments Men (scheduled to open this December as well) has moved to 2014. Visual effects that weren't completed in time is listed as part of the reason.

For those of you that think this job is all easy (it is fun)... I had to go from the tone of 12 Years A Slave this week to seeing Bad Grandpa the very next day. Yep - 2 very different movies and the mindset leaving the theater was 180 degrees different. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Last but not least, let me leave you with this...

When walking my daughter to the bus this morning, with a light layer of frost on the surface we had the following discussion.

Dad: Looks like Jack Frost came over night...
Daughter: Do you think Jack Frost gets the other characters from Rise Of The Guardians to help him when there is this much frost around?

Maybe he does....maybe he does. (Movies are life in my household). I love the innocence of youth!

Until next time.

Hug those special to you and be nice to someone!

Oh and enjoy the show!


Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Home Screening Room - Way Way Back someone Conjured up an Internship Before Midnight

A wide variety of titles this month, take a look.  

Big Releases from Theaters

Before Midnight – Rated R (Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy)
The Conjuring – Rated R (Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson)
The Internship – Rated PG-13 (Unrated available) (Vince Vaugh, Owen Wilson)
The Way Way Back  – Rated PG-13 (Steve Carell, Sam Rockwell)

Kind of a cool week on DVD. Before Midnight has a cult following that absolutely loves the film and will, I’m sure, be in their households by the end of the week. The Conjuring was one of those movies that genuinely freaked me out a bit, and in a good way. It was a decent scary movie and is hitting right before the scary holiday. The Internship may find a second life on Bluray and The Way Way Back is way way underrated.

Also New This Week

As Cool As I Am – Rated R (Claire Danes, James Marsden)

Barbie and Her Sisters in A Pony Tale

Dead in Tombstone– Rated R (Mickey Rourke, Danny Trejo)

Free Samples – Rated R (Jess Wexler, Jesse Eisenberg)

I Give It A Year– Rated R (Rose Byrne)

Morning – Rated R (Jeanne Tripplehorn, Laura Linney)

Nikita: The Complete Third Season – Not Rated

Only God Forgives – Rated R (Ryan Gosling, Kristin Scott Thomas)

A variety of titles for a variety of moods…Come on, you know Barbie and Her Sisters is Number 1 on your list. (It would be if you had a 9 year-old girl!) But take your pick and try something out.

Final Score
Adding The Conjuring to the mix would be a fun addition to bring out each year for a “real” scare type of movie. And I really enjoyed the performances in The Way Way Back, so I’d consider adding that to my collection as well.

Pop Popcorn, Do the DietDew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!

Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Back From Some Time Off during the Milwaukee Film Festival I got to experience about 25-30 films and truly needed some time off from writing to prep for the impending run through the awards' season. But I'm back now, and you can look to virtual daily posts about the end of the year at the movies.

But just because I haven't written about things, doesn't mean I haven't had an opinion.

Check out this audio link of this week's appearance with Mark Reardon at KMOX in St. Louis for an audio take on The Fifth Estate and Escape Plan -- plus Mark's take on Carrie (not screened for the press in my area).

Don't want to listen (why not?) -- ok's a quick take for you on the newest films, without a full written review (even as I haven't written for a week or two...I've been watching a TON).

In theaters....

Captain Phillips is an intense film that features a performance by Tom Hanks that is up there with some of his best. Hanks as the shipping captain is spot on and makes you feel his desperation and devotion in the circumstances that he was placed into. I loved this and it's a must see. Definitely one of the best of the year.
Paul's Grade - A

The Fifth Estate left me feeling a bit empty. Sure I didn't follow the Wikileaks story as close as I could have, but I really thought this film did a bit of a disservice to the story by not looking deeper at the stories they uncovered. Instead the film focuses on Daniel Berg (Daniel Bruhl) and Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and their relationship and personal battles. That focus causes it to become a bit dull and uninteresting despite great performances by Bruhl and Cumberbatch.
Paul's Grade - C-

Escape Plan surprised me! For the most part it was a pleasant surprise. The Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger film was a total throwback to 80s action fun. The story being that of a man who goes into prisons to find a way to break out and help the prisons lock it down. Very true Stallone/Schwarzenegger filmmaking and for the most part it works. You get an appropriate amount of  one-liners, slow camera shots, memorable action sequences and everything you really wanted from this type of movie. But then, while it rolled along with everything you want, it goes WAY off the rails with one of the most ludicrous endings that I have seen in some time. It was like...ok, we got to here...we have no more time, so let's ignore part two of the one will care. And yet that is what I cared most about. I assumed the other part, just wondering how it would happen. I call it the "Happily Ever After" ending...where we decide it's just that ... end of movie. Without the ending it would be a B/B- but ultimately the ending we end up lower than that.
Paul's Grade - C+

On DVD/Blu-ray

Little Mermaid / Diamond Edition is the perfect addition to any Disney fan's collection. The clarity of the transfer and sound alone make it a must add to any serious Disney collector's library, but you add in a bevy of Special Features and you've got hours of true Disney enjoyment. AVAILABLE NOW

Home Run is a faith based film that follows a professional athlete that forgets what got him the fame
that he finds so dear. He lets alcohol and his own ego virtually destroy his career and it takes the road back to his home town to dig deeper into who he is and who he can lead on for support. Any film that starts with a testimonial from Brett Butler (a personal favorite of mine growing up as he played in San Francisco because of the way he played the game) is ok by me. The faith part of the message is overt, but not overbearing.

And that's just the beginning! Hope I caught you up on what I've been up get ready for a crazy ride the next couple weeks.


Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - 4 Films Not To Miss

As the 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival winds down I wanted to share 4 films that I would think you should check out before it ends...I think spending time with these film will be a positive film 
experience for anyone.

Date America - 10/6 (8:30PM) - Oriental Theatre
If you haven't seen Date America, this is the type of film that the Film Festival can bring to the light of everyone. It's Wisconsin through and through and funny but real. I've written a lot about this film in the past week, from the sold out screenings to this chance to show in the big theatre at the Oriental, check it out.

August: Osage County - 10/7 (7:30PM) Oriental Theatre
August: Osage County feautres Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Ewan McGregor and a million other talented actors. Ok, so a million is an overstatement, but the John Wells directed film will be probably talked about for the soon to come awards season that is already underway.

Somm - 10/8 (8:00PM) Oriental Theatre
Somm surprised me, I was excited to see it...but it's a a film about becoming the best of the best at wine knowledge so I didn't expect an emotional attachment to the featured individuals. I was wrong. The film does an amazing job of making you struggle through the cram sessions, the emotions, and the pressure that goes into becoming the best at what you do. It doesn't matter what task you are trying to accomplish it's the story of the quest to be the best and that will resonate with anyone.

Spinning Plates - 10/9 (7:45PM) Fox-Bay Cinema
Spinning Plates impressed me. For a film that is all about food on a number of different levels this really is an inpresive documentary -- just make sure you've eaten dinner before you go.

Milwaukee Film Festival - Day 11 Preview

The last Sunday of the festival features fun for everyone. Including your last chance to see the homegrown Date America. Get out there today! Go on...GO!

Bob Murray Get the Big Stage

Wisconsinite Bob Murray goes from Milwaukee to Los Angeles in the back of a cab in search of love and more. Along the way he has lined up dates in cities across America, but is true love waiting miles from home, or is there more to be learned along the way. This is a film that I found myself laughing with as it begins to implode. In the early part of the film, there is a lot of humor, much of it comes as Bob is willing to say and do just about anything on camera. But there is a more serious side to the film as well. The notion of setting out to do something, that thing that will make you happy, that thiing that will satisfity that need you have inside of you. This is one that will leave you with a smile on your face and worth a good night out.

Date America - Showings
10/6 (8:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Where I'm Going To Be

Looking forward tonight to checking out Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me at the Fox-Bay Cinema.
Who influenced R.E.M.? None other than Big Star, a critically accalaimed band from the 70s that was lauded by critics, but didn't sell the big numbers that others may have. Their journey is finally told and should be an interesting look inside the band that produced 3 of Rolling Stones Top 500 albums. And if you're there toinight...say hi...that is before I'm rocking out.

Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me - Showings
10/6 (8:00PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/9 (4:45PM) - Downer Theatre

In Case You Missed Them...

Some of my favorites from earlier in the fest are airing today.

If You Build It - 1:00PM at the Oriental Theatre (Read More)
Maidentrip - 1:00PM at the Fox-Bay Cinema (Read More)
Remote Area Medical - 6:30PM at the Oriental Theatre (Read More)

Tomorrow - a biggie - August: Osage County is showing at the Oriental Theatre (tickets are on RUSH only...but you never know).

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival - Day 10 Preview

So 10 days...Double has been a busy run. I was out at Google and the World Brain and it is a great little film about what is and isn't in the public interest. While the book project they were on a mission to finish "may" be in the public interest...the intentions may not be as honorable as one might think...but I digress....

Let's get to today!

Brotherly Love

Mark Attanasio is the owner of the Brewers and I think all fans of the team wouild say he is a big part of the reason that the team has enjoyed a resurgence in SE Wisconsin. But he is by no means the only talented Attanasio, his brother Paul (hey I kinda like that name) is being honored by Milwaukee Film for his work in Hollywood and will be in town for An Evening with Paul Attanasio at 7:30PM tonight at the Oriental Theatre. He written projects like House M.D. and Homicide: Life on the Streets for television and movies such as Quiz Show. Currently working on the upcoming Showtime series The Vatican (with Ridley Scott) and a reboot of Scarface for the big screen, Paul is destined to have some stories to tell and may have some interesting clips to share.

An Evening With Paul Attanasio
10/5 (7:30 PM) - Oriental Theatre

Taking Health Care Where It's Needed

Remote Area Medical is a concept of taking healthcare to those who need it. Originally these mission would fly to places around the globe and deliver doctors/nurses/dentists and the like to those in need. The documentary playing in the festival focuses on a different need that is part of their mission. Taking their services to Bristol, Tennessee, we meet a number of great people who rely on these missions of mercy. Imagine waiting in line a full day, not for the hot deal at Thanksgiving or the best concert tickets, but to get the essential medical care to make your life better. That's what happens here. It breaks your heart to see the people in need; but it warms your heart to see the people who help.

Remote Area Medical - Showings
10/5 (1:30 PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/6 (6:30PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/8 (2:30PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema

Dinner WITH Wine Please

Two documentaries with food and drink at their core actually moved me to tears at times. But Paul...these are documentaries about FOOD AND WINE.... how did you get moved? Well if you check out Spinning Plates and Somm you will see what I mean.

Spinning Plates takes a look at three restaurants with totall different themes and ways of doing the same things, serving people with love. From the upscale and world class Alinea restaurant in Chicago to Breitbach's Country Dining in Iowa and La Cocina de Gabby in Arizona these people live to serve and create an experience with their dining. They share their passion and drive and you can see it in the film.

And if you eat, you should drink as well. Once you experience the film Somm you will never look at the selection of a wine the same way again. This film follows a group of individuals that love wine and are trying to become a Master Sommelier. The tests are grueling, the studying as intense as ever, and the dedictation is mindbolggling, all done in the hopes to one day become a master. You will be rooting for the group to succeed, even knowing that not many ever do. Somm pairs wine with the human spirit to create a motivational and inspirational film about following your dream.

Spinning Plates - Showings
10/5 (4:00PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/9 (7:45PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema

Somm - Showings
10/5 (9:00PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/8 (8:00PM) - Oriental Theatre

Tomorrow... Your last chance during this fetival to see Date America (GO) and more...

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

A Closer Look - The Network

Rising From Infancy

TOLO TV runs like any other TV network, but to imagine that it just launched in 2004 and in Afghanistan...well that is just amazing.

As Afghanistan was developing, the first independent television station was born. A family that left The Network has the unique opportunity to follow a television company that grows from day 1.
the country during war was back to return to their roots and bring them programming that they found in the rest of the world. After launching in 2004,

The infancy has people who started in radio, transitioning to become TV personalities.

The growth includes the hiring of outsiders to help train the Afghan people about what it takes to grow.

And during the current growth cycle they are now employing over 800 Afgahns and producing news, current affairs, dramas, comedies and music and lifestyle programs. But trouble is looming for TOLO TV as foreign troops are beginning to leave the country and before the film is over, the fledgling network will be confronted head on by the changes by issues that many United States television networks don't need to confront.

I really found it eye opening. As someone who has done television appearances for years now, The Network shows an operation that at it's heart has TV people in charge, but has such a diverse group of challenges that are unique to their situation.

The change in women's rights in Afghanistan has women taking on non-traditional roles for a country that has made women secondary (roles that those in America take for granted). 

They not only struggle to keep the best and the brightest, but they struggle to keep them in Aghanistan period!

And on top of that, the middle of a war torn area leads to challenges that will breakdown even the hardest nosed reporters.

Media fans, and fans of this unique type of film need to check it out. I found myself enthralled with the story and the ability to look at a kind of birth to teen type of feel. Check out The Network in NY and LA now, and on VOD on 10/8.

The Network
Director: Eva Ormer

Review - Gravity

Amazingly Beautiful and Terrifying at the Same Time

Space. It’s something that has fascinated people throughout time. It’s a vast wilderness above our Gravity all of these facets are exposed.
heads every day of our lives. It’s a magical and enchanting, yet vast and frightening place that we all know about. In the new film

Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a scientist that is implementing her newest project in space. Having never been up before, she did go through a crash course on space travel, but it was just this, a short program to get her up to implement her project.

Mission Commander Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) is just enjoying a spacewalk with his jet pack as he realizes that there is no way he will set a space walk record, simply because he doesn’t have enough fuel. But the happy-go-lucky attitude is about to change.

As a satellite in orbit is destroyed and chain reaction is set in motion that leads to debris headed towards Matt’s shuttle crew. This debris is moving at a rate that could be catastrophic and everyone scatters for safety.

During the virtual “attack” from the debris Ryan is sent catapulting out into space, alone.

Now with decreasing oxygen (running faster than normal with her anxiety) she finds herself alone, with visions of the stars, the earth and miles of darkness. Will she grab her senses and survive?

Visually, this is a stunning film. Shots showing us the beauty and the majesty of everything around our Earth will leave you mesmerized. But the visuals are NOT the only thing going for Gravity.

Sandra Bullock is amazing as Ryan Stone. In what is probably her best dramatic role in her career she is able to take viewers inside the mind of a normally rational and scientific woman who is put in a position that exposes her inner fears. The roller coaster ride that is Bullock’s experience is a trip that we all go on with her in a film that is really carried by one actor and the vast expanse of space.

Gravity is amazingly acted, beautifully shot, and full of interesting questions. I can’t get the film out of my mind to understand truly what went on for 90 minutes, and that is a very good thing.


Warner Brothers Pictures

Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Cast: Sandra Bulock, George Clooney

Rating: PG-13 for intense perilous sequences, some disturbing images and brief strong language.
Runtime: 1 hour 30 minutes

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 9 Preview

Sorry I noticed - never got my Day 8 Preview online -- well I hope you enjoyed The Milwaukee Show (I had to miss it because of another commitment, but hey that is life)

So we move to Day 9 - And the second half of the festival really cranks up I'm putting together a list of MUST SEES for the next week based on what I saw the first week...but let's get to TODAY.

Centerpiece Time

Time for the Festival Centerpiece as the Milwaukee Film Festival follows up Metropolis and Blackmail the last couple of years with this 1930 film from the Ukraine. And yes...there will be Live Music Accompaniment for the film from Milwaukee's very own Altos. Check it out at the big screen at the Oriental Theatre tonight ONLY at 7:00PM.

Earth (with live accompaniment from Altos) - Showings
10/4 - (7:00PM) - Oriental Theatre

Two I Can Recommend

Rising From Ashes features the Rwandan National Cycling Team and is an inspirational story of doing just what the title says for Rwanda. It is showing at NOON at the Oriental Theatre.

If You Build It I found to be truly an inspirational film that shows what CAN happen with two dedicated teachers thinking differently about education. The motivations of a partnership between a communities students and the greater good of the community should be emulated everywhere. Today at 2:30PM at the Fox-Bay Cinema.

Rising From Ashes - Showings
10/4 (12:00PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/9 (10:15PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema

If You Build It - Showings
10/4 (2:30PM) Fox- Bay Cinema
10/6 (1:00PM) Oriental Theatre

Where I'm Going To Be

Finally getting a chance to check out Google and the World Brain tonight -- missed it last weekend and am really looking forward to this documentary about the quest to get every text under the sun in one place...and Google undertaking the job. Looks interesting and I'm excited for the chance to check it out.

Google and the World Brain - Showings
10/4 (7:15PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/9 (7:30PM) - Downer Theatre

Tomorrow -- the final Saturday and An Evening With Paul Attanasio takes center stage alongside 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

A Closer Look - 1

Many of you have rushed out and checked out Ron Howard's new movie Rush that opened wide last Friday.

Maybe you are new to Formula 1 racing, and you want to take your knowledge of the sport further after experiencing the passion that was onscreen during Rush.

Maybe you are a veteran that has loved Formula 1 racing for years, and you want a look at the growth
of the sport you love.

Either way -- the new documentary 1 (available now to digitally download on iTunes) will take you behind the wheel and behind the scenes with the stars that grew Formula 1 to the sport it is today.

Incredible on track and in car footage from world famous tracks like Monte Carlo, Monza, and even vintage Watkins Glen footage explode from the screen and you feel your pulse race when turning laps with the best.

The documentary goes through the heartbreaking realities that faced a sport that did not always have security of its drivers at the forefront. But because of the leadership of some of the world's best, the sport finally came to realize that it needed to protect the giant asset that is the F1 driver.

Poignant interviews with world champions like Sir Jackie Stewart that led the charge to a safer F1 are prominent and bring a magnificent air of authority to the film.

But the authority doesn't stop with Stewart, others featured in the film include Mario Andretti, Lewis Hamilton and Michael Schumacher to name a few.

1 is a MUST SEE for fans of Formula 1.

AND -- if you have even a passing interest in really should give 1 a run.

Check it out on iTunes NOW and premiering on VOD on October 11.


Director: Paul Crowder
Starring: Jackie Stewart, Mario Andretti, Lewis Hamilton, Michael Schumacher

Home Screening Room - Sorry For Being Crood, I've Been Away

The last couple weeks I’ve been so bogged down with Festival Films, that I haven’t gotten to new Blu-ray / DVD releases.

Big Releases from Theaters

The Croods – Rated PG (Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone)
This is the End – Rated R (Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen)

Two big releases that I liked a whole lot from earlier this year come to your home this week and make for good additions to your library. The Croods is the film that my daughter was quoted as saying…”It’s a great family film.” – I agree and think that as a father…I love the family dynamic here. Well worth picking up…AND This is the End rocked…funny, raw and an all around good time. I can see watching this one many times.

Also New This Week

The Frozen Ground – Rated R (Nicolas Cage, John Cusack)
Glee: The Complete Fourth Season – Not Rated
How I Met Your Mother: The Complete Season 8– Not Rated
The Little Mermaid– Rated G (Jodi Benson)
Morning – Rated R (Jeanne Tripplehorn, Laura Linney)
New Girl: The Complete Second Season – Not Rated
The Wizard of Oz  – Rated PG (Judy Garland, Ray Bolger)

Yes this week’s list includes a couple of  old school titles, and they are glorious releases in High Definition. The recent 3D / Blu-ray transition of things with The Wizard of Oz leads to a new Blu-ray disc being available. And The Little Mermaid gets the Diamond Edition treatment and is loaded for kids of all ages. Add to that the other new TV and Movie releases, and you’ve got a great Tuesday for discs NOT coming directly from theaters.

Final Score
I would really load up my personal collection this week. Love The Croods and love the repeatability factor of This Is The End.  My daughter would kill for The Little Mermaid Diamond Edition and … well how about that Wizard of Oz Blu-ray?

Pop Popcorn, Do the DietDew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 7 Preview

The beautiful weather outside hasn't slowed down the stream of movies as we wrap Day 7 of this year's festival.

Tonight's Main Event

Well, this is where I would tell you about the the film playing in the feature spot at the Oriental Theatre, but today I can't...because I don't know what it is. Yes it's the members only Secret Screening at 7PM and they will not tell anyone until they hit the stage what it is. A colleague and myself discussed it yesterday and ruminated on what it could be, but nothing is leaking....NOTHING! So here's my generic write up for the members only screening. If you are a member of Milwaukee Film you are in for a treat tonight. Sure in the past they have brought you Silver Linings Playbook and Undefeated (two films that have been incredibly honored during their respective awards seasons) but never before have they brought you a film like this. It will touch an emotion within you and stir conversations long into the showing of Vanishing Waves that starts at 9:45PM in the same theatre. And let me tell you, a bag of hot popcorn is almost manditory when watching this film, but you may have to stop from time to time to wipe tears away. (joyful or sad tears will depend on the individual). But there is no doubt in my will be talking about this film when it ends.

Now I dare anyone to tell me that doesn't fit whatever the title is that is showing....This and other screenings throughout the year is why you should become a member of Milwaukee Film.

Details at on how to become a member.

My prediction and I have ABSOLUTELY NO intelligence on this.... Nebraska will screen.

Super Secret Screening - Showings
10/2 (7:00PM) - Oriental Theatre

I've Only Seen One

Today's lineup features only one film that I've seen already -- God Love Uganda (2:30PM at Fox-Bay Cinema). This is an interesting tale of Christian groups that have come to this country to help - but not everyone has the best intentions. Read my detailed breakdown from Day 4 .

God Loves Uganda - Showings
10/2 (2:30PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/3 (2:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Where I'm Going To Be

Date America at Fox-Bay Cinema tonight at 9:15PM and hopefully I'll be able to get in this time. I was there about 7-10 minutes before it was to start on Saturday but was turned away. (sigh) Didn't think I'd have the ability in the schedule to do it tonight, but turns out I will -- now if I can just make sure they let me see it tonight.  Part of the Cream City Cinema section of the festival this documentary features Wisconsinite Bob Murray as he travels across America for eight dates in different cities. The Saturday show turned away a number of interested viewers and the director himself was outside trying to help with tickets for some folks to come back tonight. Good to see the interest in this homegrown product and a director connecting with fans hungry to see his film. It's what film festivals are all about. But I still wish I was able to see it on Saturday....

Date America - Remaining Showings

10/2 (9:15PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/6 (8:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Tomorrow -- The very special event....The Milwaukee Show

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 6 Preview

October in Wisconsin...

The middle of the football season is upon us.

Major League Baseball turns to the playoffs (Milwaukee Brewers not involved, but Milwaukee Film fan John Axford plays on with the St. Louis Cardinals).

There's a chill in the air...wait...what????
They say it's supposed to be 80 here today.....OK.

Maybe there's a heat wave coming from the lineup of movies hitting the Milwaukee Film Festival and today is NO exception.

What's Next...

Tonight's featured film takes viewers behind the scenes of the four doctors that remain performing third trimester abortions in the United States since Dr. George Tiller was killed. Sure to incite passions from everyone involved, the film shows how there are more to these individuals than meets the eye. The film does a good job of laying most of the story out in a fairly objective manner. It surely won't change may minds to either side as even many Pro-Choice supporters don't believe in third trimester abortions. What it will do is tell some of the stories of those who choose to have these procedures and those who perform them. This is sure to incite passionate debate on both sides of the issue.

After Tiller - Showings
10/1 (7:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Get Inspired

Ok, so if you can weave your way through the crowds (and probable protesters) of After Tiller, you may want to instead head to the other screen at the Oriental Theatre to see inspirational documentary Rising From Ashes. This look at Rwanda national cycling team will share a group of young man that are literally rising from the ashes of horror to create their own future. Narrated by Forest Whitaker, this film will fill your eyes with tears as these men become a family by starting the team from ground zero with a couple of outsiders making a difference in their lives. I LOVE the encouragement, the determination and the family that shines through in this film.

Rising From Ashes - Showings
10/1 (7:00PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/4 (NOON) - Oriental Theatre
10/9 (10:15PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema

Get Informed

Informant has one of its two festival showings tonight at the Downer Theatre and will challenge viewers from all political persuasions. The story of one man moving from liberal activist to FBI informant (infiltrating a liberal group) will create discussions for days to come. Brandon Darby would never be consider a conservative or a liberal I don't think even he knows where he is at with his life. Liberal groups loved him, then despised him (and when they despised him Conservative groups loved him). But one things seems certain from the folks in this film. Brandon Darby....loved Brandon Darby. This would be a great film to hear both a conservative and a liberal viewpoint on -- as both sides may see different things in the film, but both might actually AGREE on some things in this film...and that's more agreement than...say on the budget or health care or well just about anything.

Informant - Showings

10/1 (10:00PM) - Downer Theatre
10/3 (10:15PM) - Oriental Theatre

Also Don't Miss Today....
Citizen Koch (4:30PM) - Oriental Theatre
Which Way Is the Front Line From Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington (4:45PM) - Oriental Theatre
The Institue (5:00 PM) - Downer Theatre
Pandora's Promise (4:45PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema

Other than the Tim Hetherington film, I've seen them all and have talked about them to one point or another to this point already.

PLUS - If I wasn't booked for a screening of Enough Said tonight .... I would check out Picture Day and Stories We Tell at the Fox-Bay Cinema back to back tonight myself....

Tomorrow -- If you are not a member of Milwaukee Film you'll be missing out....the Super Secret Screening is on tap.....