Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 6 Preview

October in Wisconsin...

The middle of the football season is upon us.

Major League Baseball turns to the playoffs (Milwaukee Brewers not involved, but Milwaukee Film fan John Axford plays on with the St. Louis Cardinals).

There's a chill in the air...wait...what????
They say it's supposed to be 80 here today.....OK.

Maybe there's a heat wave coming from the lineup of movies hitting the Milwaukee Film Festival and today is NO exception.

What's Next...

Tonight's featured film takes viewers behind the scenes of the four doctors that remain performing third trimester abortions in the United States since Dr. George Tiller was killed. Sure to incite passions from everyone involved, the film shows how there are more to these individuals than meets the eye. The film does a good job of laying most of the story out in a fairly objective manner. It surely won't change may minds to either side as even many Pro-Choice supporters don't believe in third trimester abortions. What it will do is tell some of the stories of those who choose to have these procedures and those who perform them. This is sure to incite passionate debate on both sides of the issue.

After Tiller - Showings
10/1 (7:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Get Inspired

Ok, so if you can weave your way through the crowds (and probable protesters) of After Tiller, you may want to instead head to the other screen at the Oriental Theatre to see inspirational documentary Rising From Ashes. This look at Rwanda national cycling team will share a group of young man that are literally rising from the ashes of horror to create their own future. Narrated by Forest Whitaker, this film will fill your eyes with tears as these men become a family by starting the team from ground zero with a couple of outsiders making a difference in their lives. I LOVE the encouragement, the determination and the family that shines through in this film.

Rising From Ashes - Showings
10/1 (7:00PM) - Oriental Theatre
10/4 (NOON) - Oriental Theatre
10/9 (10:15PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema

Get Informed

Informant has one of its two festival showings tonight at the Downer Theatre and will challenge viewers from all political persuasions. The story of one man moving from liberal activist to FBI informant (infiltrating a liberal group) will create discussions for days to come. Brandon Darby would never be consider a conservative or a liberal I don't think even he knows where he is at with his life. Liberal groups loved him, then despised him (and when they despised him Conservative groups loved him). But one things seems certain from the folks in this film. Brandon Darby....loved Brandon Darby. This would be a great film to hear both a conservative and a liberal viewpoint on -- as both sides may see different things in the film, but both might actually AGREE on some things in this film...and that's more agreement than...say on the budget or health care or well just about anything.

Informant - Showings

10/1 (10:00PM) - Downer Theatre
10/3 (10:15PM) - Oriental Theatre

Also Don't Miss Today....
Citizen Koch (4:30PM) - Oriental Theatre
Which Way Is the Front Line From Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington (4:45PM) - Oriental Theatre
The Institue (5:00 PM) - Downer Theatre
Pandora's Promise (4:45PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema

Other than the Tim Hetherington film, I've seen them all and have talked about them to one point or another to this point already.

PLUS - If I wasn't booked for a screening of Enough Said tonight .... I would check out Picture Day and Stories We Tell at the Fox-Bay Cinema back to back tonight myself....

Tomorrow -- If you are not a member of Milwaukee Film you'll be missing out....the Super Secret Screening is on tap.....

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