Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - Day 7 Preview

The beautiful weather outside hasn't slowed down the stream of movies as we wrap Day 7 of this year's festival.

Tonight's Main Event

Well, this is where I would tell you about the the film playing in the feature spot at the Oriental Theatre, but today I can't...because I don't know what it is. Yes it's the members only Secret Screening at 7PM and they will not tell anyone until they hit the stage what it is. A colleague and myself discussed it yesterday and ruminated on what it could be, but nothing is leaking....NOTHING! So here's my generic write up for the members only screening. If you are a member of Milwaukee Film you are in for a treat tonight. Sure in the past they have brought you Silver Linings Playbook and Undefeated (two films that have been incredibly honored during their respective awards seasons) but never before have they brought you a film like this. It will touch an emotion within you and stir conversations long into the showing of Vanishing Waves that starts at 9:45PM in the same theatre. And let me tell you, a bag of hot popcorn is almost manditory when watching this film, but you may have to stop from time to time to wipe tears away. (joyful or sad tears will depend on the individual). But there is no doubt in my mind...you will be talking about this film when it ends.

Now I dare anyone to tell me that doesn't fit whatever the title is that is showing....This and other screenings throughout the year is why you should become a member of Milwaukee Film.

Details at mkefilm.org on how to become a member.

My prediction and I have ABSOLUTELY NO intelligence on this.... Nebraska will screen.

Super Secret Screening - Showings
10/2 (7:00PM) - Oriental Theatre

I've Only Seen One

Today's lineup features only one film that I've seen already -- God Love Uganda (2:30PM at Fox-Bay Cinema). This is an interesting tale of Christian groups that have come to this country to help - but not everyone has the best intentions. Read my detailed breakdown from Day 4 .

God Loves Uganda - Showings
10/2 (2:30PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/3 (2:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Where I'm Going To Be

Date America at Fox-Bay Cinema tonight at 9:15PM and hopefully I'll be able to get in this time. I was there about 7-10 minutes before it was to start on Saturday but was turned away. (sigh) Didn't think I'd have the ability in the schedule to do it tonight, but turns out I will -- now if I can just make sure they let me see it tonight.  Part of the Cream City Cinema section of the festival this documentary features Wisconsinite Bob Murray as he travels across America for eight dates in different cities. The Saturday show turned away a number of interested viewers and the director himself was outside trying to help with tickets for some folks to come back tonight. Good to see the interest in this homegrown product and a director connecting with fans hungry to see his film. It's what film festivals are all about. But I still wish I was able to see it on Saturday....

Date America - Remaining Showings

10/2 (9:15PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/6 (8:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Tomorrow -- The very special event....The Milwaukee Show

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