Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

The Interrupters - Full Movie

I've embedded it below -- One of my favorite films of 2011. The Best Documentary of the Year - PERIOD.
The link below is courtesy of the PBS Frontline web site. The Interrupters was show on there on 2/14. If you haven't seen it  - blow it up to full screen and take the time to experience this. If you have seen it - watch it again. There are two versions on the PBS site a Broadcast and Graphic Language version. I have embedded the version with the language here (I think it helps set the movie -- so I do ask for discretion. Both versions can be found on the PBS Frontline website if you prefer the edited "bleeped" version.

And -- if it moves you -- they have a link to buy the DVD and add it to your collection to show everyone you know! Share it! Watch it! Learn from it! Cease Fire!

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