Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

2014 - Honorable Mentions

Ok...so the last post had the almost made it titles...now those that were cut at the last minute...

On any given day, these could have run all the way into my top 10, but ... well ... when I did it, that was where things stood...so here's (in no particular order) the ones that were in a zillion way tie for 11th on my top 10.

The Lego Movie - Everything is awesome in this movie and although nervous when I first sat down to 
experience this animated joy ride, I found myself singing along and continue to do so as I write this. In fact...I'm having second thoughts...maybe this should be in my top 10 of the year ... no changing it now. Definitely one of the most fun films you will experience this year, that is for sure!

Theory of Everything - Stephen Hawking is a brilliant man. Whether you love him or hate him, agree or disagree with him...he is unquestionably brilliant. That said, this movie will make you feel even more for the man that seemingly lost everything at a young age. When you see him now, you envision a man who has always had to deal with the physical limitations he has, but you would be wrong. This story about meeting his wife Jane, the struggles and the triumphs that came along with that and so much more puts a very real side to this genius and emotionally can only drive you to succeed.

The Grand Budapest Hotel - Nominated for a slew of Critics' Choice Movie Awards (11 to be exact) and truly a vastly underrated film. Wes Anderson films leave people in different places. Sometimes you understand and other times the head is left scratched. One of the best of the year for sure that will have you smiling at the mania throughout.

Kill the Messenger - I know, a lot of folks wouldn't even consider this film at this point. For me, Jeremy Renner is the type of actor that can and does sell this film. A reporter who finds the story of his career in his lap must now fight back when he becomes the story. Emotionally charged and intriguing around every corner, when you like a good conspiracy... you will like this film.

St. Vincent - Ok, total disclosure, I'm a real Bill Murray fan. And this film is no different from what I like. As a man who is the stereotypical grumpy old man next door he plays perfectly against Melissa McCarthy and her young son. I found myself equal parts offended and in love with Vincent and this film.

Chef - I loved this since the day it came out. Jon Favreau is perfect as the clueless parent with no social media background that finds a bond being reestablished with his son. When you combine his son's knowledge of the internet with his cooking background, how can this new food truck operation fail. Although it's R rated, I really think this is one most can watch without fear.

Guardians of the Galaxy - Man I didn't know what I was into when I was sitting down for the preview on this film. The trailers really didn't grab me. The film DID grab me. I had a smile on my face throughout and really could listen to that soundtrack any day of the week. I AM Groot!

Gone Girl - This was one I thought might make my Top 10 before I saw it. It has all the right elements
of what I like. A great director, a hot script, an actor that has reinvented himself and is amazingly on top of things and it should make for a great film. Instead there was something just missing. that kept it from being a top 2 or 3 movies of the year type of film. That doesn't mean it wasn't really good though and hence, on this list.

The Imitation Game - I love Benedict Cumberbatch. He really can hit so many nails on the head. Think about the last couple years .. Star Trek (Khan), August: Osage County (Little Charles Aiken), Penguins of Madagascar (Voice of Classified), and this film ... just to name a few! Such a great cross-section of films that I'm excited to see what he does next. Here, as Alan Turing, you believe the struggles that he deals with personally and professionally as he works to develop the machine to end World War II. It's an amazing story and Cumberbatch delivers.

Wild - Reese Witherspoon's performance here deserves to be recognized as truly one of the best of the year. Her journey will resonate with all women AND men who have to overcome things in their life. I felt every step of the trek resonating into my feet. As she walked, I walked with her as a viewer and quite frankly was mesmerized by the expedition. I could rewrite my lists tomorrow and have no problem recommending this to anyone.

Still Alice - This is a personal film for me. My Grandmother had Alzheimer's when she passed. Sure it wasn't early onset, but that doesn't make it any less painful. The performance by Julianne Moore as a brilliant woman that we see deteriorate onscreen is truly special. I saw what Julianne Moore portrayed in a first hand environment and I will tell you this reminded me of moments gone by and the lovely woman that was my Grandmother. On top of that, the family relationship hit home. And can I call out Kristen Stewart here - I will that off the top of my head...while I write this... the best performance of her career thus far in a small role as one of Moore's children. I even had her on my nomination list for the Critics' Choice Movie Awards (coming Jan. 15 on A&E)

So there you have it... I love each of these films...they just didn't get to the top 10 in my mind...coming next I reveal that list....

And if you missed the one before this with the other films I really had on my watch this year...check that out here.

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