Senin, 05 Januari 2015

2014 Top 10 - 1. Whiplash

2014 Top 10

1. Whiplash

I went back to view this film a second time before I slotted it at the top of my list this year and in that viewing my initial thought was confirmed. This is a marvelous film.

The story of Andrew, a normal kid by all indications, who is playing drums in a conservatory. He is shy around girls, thinks his family is immensely important and is just trying to find his niche.

However, he IS one thing, that many are not - driven to be the best at what he does right, playing the drums.

All he can think of is getting into Fletcher's top Studio Band and the conservatory. They are the best at the school, and he wants to be the best. But Fletcher holds an iron fist over the band. You don't get there without him feeling you've got what it takes. And once you are always have the opportunity to be invited to leave at any time.

Fletcher pushes buttons but are those buttons helpful? Or will the pushing lead farther?

J.K. Simmons is getting a ton of love for his role as Fletcher, and rightly so. The maniacal leader of the studio band delivers a bit of every hard driving sports coach, teacher, conductor that you have ever seen. He is able to make you hate him, then wonder if he is such a bad guy, then hate him again! And his motivations? Well...see the film!

Miles Teller as the driven kid in Andrew will drive you nuts. He wants one thing, to be the best at the drums. He is willing to push all he loves to the side to please Fletcher. Teller is that innocent kid one minute, while the next minute behaving like a raving lunatic. Why he isn't given more credit for his part in this film is beyond me. His acting chops go long beyond his age here and this is easily the best role of his still young and blossoming career.

And there is Damien Chazelle. Delivering in letting these two actors go on many occasions we never feel forced into anything. I've seen both of these individuals before in real life and Chazelle brings them TO life in Whiplash.

The music is top-notch, the acting out of this world, the screenplay works, emotions aplenty...Whiplash is my choice for the best film I saw in 2014.

Rated R
107 minutes
Directed by Damien Chazelle
Written by Damien Chazelle
Starring: Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Melissa Benoist, Paul Reiser
Opened in theaters - October 10, 2014
Available on Blu-ray / DVD on February 3, 2015 (expected)

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